604 results found.
Good people and new names (Matthew 1:18–25)
Every child is from God. Joseph gets an explicit divine promise.
Adoration of the Magi, by Sandro Botticelli
art selection and comment by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
Repent and bear fruit (Matthew 3:1-12)
I am grateful for John the Baptist's indictment.
By Calvin Chinn
January 6, Epiphany of the Lord: Matthew 2:1–12
If people can approach the faith without thinking they already know what it is, they might hear the good news for themselves.
January 1, First Sunday after Christmas Day: Matthew 2:13-23
What troubles me about the holy family's flight to Egypt is that God, in Jesus, runs away.
Shocked by Advent (Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 24:36-44)
We are not prepared to be judged by Matthew.
By Calvin Chinn
December 18, Fourth Sunday of Advent: Matthew 1:18–25
Matthew's geneaology underscores that God has always worked through messy and broken families.
December 11, Third Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 35:1–10; Matthew 11:2–11
Jesus' ministry is not what John the Baptist expected it to be.
A Jesus who embodies his own characters
Two refreshing new books place the storyteller within the story he tells.
by Greg Carey
December 4, Second Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 11:1-10; Matthew 3:1-12
The Bible uses the word fear both for fright and awe. This week's texts reveal the difference.
by Calvin Chinn
November 27, First Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 24:36-44
While we're preparing for Jesus' birth, these texts talk about getting ready for the Second Coming.
by Calvin Chinn
Exchanging letters with people in hell
My state has the same number of churches as prisoners. This fact haunts me.
by Chris Hoke
Why give alms?
Belief in the incarnation places suffering bodies within the realm of Christian responsibility.
Why give alms?
Belief in the incarnation places suffering bodies within the realm of Christian responsibility.
Other people’s faith in you
You knew about weakness before you were ordained. Yet something made you get out of the boat and try to walk.
Two or three at the gym
New communities spring up at coffeehouses, on Habitat for Humanity worksites, or at 5k races. What makes any of them a church?
The passion hurts
During Holy Week, it's common for worship leaders to ask people to consider their place in the drama of Jesus' final days. To what extent do we betray him, deny him, insult him, crucify him? When do we, like the crowds, find ourselves gawking at suffering with prurient glee? When do we, like the thieves, alternately ridicule the truth, then believe in it? When do we, like the centurion, make our confession--though perhaps a moment too late?
The passion hurts
During Holy Week, it's common for worship leaders to ask people to consider their place in the drama of Jesus' final days. To what extent do we betray him, deny him, insult him, crucify him? When do we, like the crowds, find ourselves gawking at suffering with prurient glee? When do we, like the thieves, alternately ridicule the truth, then believe in it? When do we, like the centurion, make our confession--though perhaps a moment too late?