Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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1003 results found.
White supremacy’s wee little men
Zaccheus doesn't mind the indignity of scrambling up a tree, as long as he’s on top.
June 26, Ordinary 13C (Luke 9:51–62)
No one who [fill in the blank] is fit for the kingdom. Ouch.
May 26, Ascension (Luke 24:44-53)
Like the disciples at the ascension, we need a little help with interpretation.
by Greg Carey
God-as-parent is a radical metaphor
It’s not possible to parent without experiencing risk, weakness, pain, and transformation.
by Debie Thomas
The biblical landscape is a stony one.
What comes in between being lost and being found?
I relate to the servant in Jesus' parable.
April 10, Passion Sunday C (Luke 22:14-23:56)
We betray Jesus for far less than was offered to Judas.
April 10, Passion Sunday C (Luke 22:14-23:56)
We betray Jesus for far less than was offered to Judas.
April 10, Palm Sunday C (Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Luke 19:28-40)
Even if we think we don’t need a savior, we seek one.
March 27, Lent 4C (Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32)
Sometimes anger is a window into what needs to be mended and healed.
March 20, Lent 3C (Luke 13:1-9)
Jesus obliterates our internal ledgers and points us to repentance.
March 13, Lent 2C (Luke 13:31-35)
Is the fox cunning and clever, or is it wily and untrustworthy?
March 6, Lent 1C (Luke 4:1-13)
The wilderness can be a frightening landscape that whispers from the shadows, “You’re all alone.”
Let’s see how they measure up to Indeed.com’s suggestions.
by Amy Ziettlow
February 27, Transfiguration B (Luke 9:28-36 [37-43a])
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus—like Moses and Elijah—is a figure of departure.
by Liz Goodman
Jesus refuses at every turn to do something important, the things his neighbors thought he should do when he grew up.
Preparing for winter, preparing for God
The Spirit’s presence often feels like winter’s dry wind.