970 results found.
Let the apocalyptic be what it is (Luke 21:25–36)
Trust your hearers. Trust the Spirit.
Awaiting the dawn from on high
Christmas can’t come soon enough for Tom.
December 24 and 25, Nativity (Luke 2:8-20)
Mary gives us permission to pause and ponder what we hear.
by David Keck
December 24 and 25, Nativity (Luke 2:8-20)
Mary gives us permission to pause and ponder what we hear.
by David Keck
December 23, Advent 4C (Luke 1:39-55)
Motherhood and ministry are intertwined for me.
December 16, Advent 3C (Luke 3:7-18)
“If we can’t afford two boxes,” my grandmother said, “we can’t afford one.”
December 9, Advent 2C (Luke 3:1-6)
John the Baptist’s proclamation for a world of Tiberiuses and Trumps
December 2, Advent 1C (Luke 21:25-36)
What will it take to break through our numbness?
A Jewish and Christian commentary on Luke’s gospel
Amy-Jill Levine and Ben Witherington’s dialogue is most illuminating when the co-authors disagree.
by Greg Carey
A Jewish and Christian commentary on Luke’s gospel
Amy-Jill Levine and Ben Witherington’s dialogue is most illuminating when the co-authors disagree.
by Greg Carey
Silence in the face of mystery
God is the encounter we can't control.
Silence in the face of mystery
God is the encounter we can't control.
The wall my daughter can’t get past
I’ve stopped trying to climb over it or knock it down. Now I just sit there.
by Debie Thomas
Women of the Bible say #MeToo
Read Tamar or Dinah's story with your church. Listen together for their cries.
Having faith in God is better than being certain about God
We don't need arguments from the pulpit. We need living water.
Life even more bewildering than death (Luke 24:36b-48)
Jesus' death is almost impossible to accept. Then he comes back.