752 results found.
Daily bread amid luxury (John 6:24-35)
Living outside poverty is a wonderful thing, but it leaves one open to the temptation of a divided heart.
August 1, Ordinary 18B (John 6:24–35)
“Trust me!” Jesus says, and the more he says it, the less the crowd is inclined to go along.
Laquan McDonald (from the series In the Wake), by Jared Thorne
art selection and comment by Aaron Rosen
Laquan McDonald (from the series In the Wake), by Jared Thorne
art selection and comment by Aaron Rosen
Laquan McDonald (from the series In the Wake), by Jared Thorne
art selection and comment by Aaron Rosen
How faith-based organizing helped end money bail in Illinois
The Bible provided some healthy agitation as we built coalitions to literally set the captives free.
by Charles Straight and Will Tanzman
How faith-based organizing helped end money bail in Illinois
The Bible provided some healthy agitation as we built coalitions to literally set the captives free.
by Charles Straight and Will Tanzman
Non Sequitur Sunday (Trinity B) (John 3:1-17)
Defining the Trinity is absurd.
May 30, Trinity B (Isaiah 6:1-8; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17)
When words fail, the church sings—especially on Trinity Sunday.
Local flavor (Easter 5B) (John 15:1-8)
Some people can tell where wine or coffee is from just by tasting it.
May 16, Easter 7B (John 17:6–19)
Jesus’ high priestly prayer is a call to a new kind of knowing and loving.
May 9, Easter 6B (John 15:9–17)
What would the insurance-mandated boundary trainings that I’ve attended make of Jesus’ intimacy with his disciples?
May 2, Easter 5B (John 15:1–8)
The vine branch doesn’t put “make grapes” on its to-do list. It just makes them.
Ethnobotanist Gary Nabhan on food justice and Jesus
“Jesus was preaching to people who were in the middle of the worst farming and fishing crisis yet.”
Amy Frykholm interviews Gary Nabhan
Ethnobotanist Gary Nabhan on food justice and Jesus
“Jesus was preaching to people who were in the middle of the worst farming and fishing crisis yet.”
Amy Frykholm interviews Gary Nabhan
The power of a long Gospel narrative (Good Friday) (John 18:1-19:42)
Read the Passion in John‘s Gospel. All of it.
by Wes D. Avram