752 results found.
Economics for disciples: An alternative investment plan
When Jim Douglass graduated from college, his father sent him a life insurance policy. Jim thanked his father but returned the policy. He could not accept the gift, he said, because he wanted to understand the truth of an “economics of providence” that he had read about in Matthew 6. Rather than pay premiums on a life insurance policy, Jim said he would store up treasure in heaven by sending a monthly payment to provide basic care for a little girl in France. I’m convinced that Jim is right.
Economics for disciples: An alternative investment plan
When Jim Douglass graduated from college, his father sent him a life insurance policy. Jim thanked his father but returned the policy. He could not accept the gift, he said, because he wanted to understand the truth of an “economics of providence” that he had read about in Matthew 6. Rather than pay premiums on a life insurance policy, Jim said he would store up treasure in heaven by sending a monthly payment to provide basic care for a little girl in France. I’m convinced that Jim is right.
An insistent invitation: John 6:51-58
Which would you rather do, contemplate belief or consume the flesh and blood of Jesus?
Literalism that kills
It made a lot of sense for Jesus to use the metaphor of animal sacrifice—at least, it did in the first century.
The manna story (John 6:24-35; Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15; Ephesians 4:1-16)
What is manna? Is it a Hebrew pun on mah hu, or as Everett Fox suggests, “Whaddayacallit”? Is it mountains of sweet insect excrement, as proposed by some scholars, or the stuff of legend?
Ordinary 19B (John 6:35, 41-51; 1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:25-5:2)
For decades, my students have failed to grasp the resurrection of the body as an article of faith.
Jesus and a little boy vs. the voices of common sense