752 results found.
Ecclesiastes for the ecclesia
A wisdom ecclesiology embraces the church’s earthly context—but without romanticizing it.
Ecclesiastes for the ecclesia
A wisdom ecclesiology embraces the church’s earthly context—but without romanticizing it.
Anxious about anxiety
How can we overcome our anxiety? And should we even try?
Anxious about anxiety
How can we overcome our anxiety? And should we even try?
Who is Jesus for Muslims?
“According to Islam, Jesus always speaks the truth. The question is how we understand it.”
Amy Frykholm interviews Zeki Saritoprak
Who is Jesus for Muslims?
“According to Islam, Jesus always speaks the truth. The question is how we understand it.”
Amy Frykholm interviews Zeki Saritoprak
A health care bill that takes away people’s health care
Caring for the sick means keeping them in our risk pool.
Limited faith in a risen savior (John 20:19-31)
The disciples don't believe Mary—or do they?
Limited faith in a risen savior (John 20:19-31)
The disciples don't believe Mary—or do they?
The courageous women who weep (John 18:1-19:42)
They stand witness, watching in agony at his agony.
The courageous women who weep (John 18:1-19:42)
They stand witness, watching in agony at his agony.
May 14, Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 7:55–60; Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16; 1 Peter 2:2–10; John 14:1–14
by Enuma Okoro