Luke 24
112 results found.
Waking up (Luke 24:13-35; Easter 3A)
Two people have an experience of awakening after talking to a stranger.
April 26, Easter 3A (Luke 24:13–35)
What does Jesus do after the resurrection? Take a walk.
April 26, Easter 3A (Luke 24:13–35)
What does Jesus do after the resurrection? Take a walk.
How Christian theology and practice are being shaped by trauma studies
Talking about God in the face of wounds that won’t go away
by Shelly Rambo
How Christian theology and practice are being shaped by trauma studies
Talking about God in the face of wounds that won’t go away
by Shelly Rambo
How Christian theology and practice are being shaped by trauma studies
Talking about God in the face of wounds that won’t go away
by Shelly Rambo
A prophetic ministry of relationship
Jesus in conversation with three women in the Gospels
A prophetic ministry of relationship
Jesus in conversation with three women in the Gospels
Jesus’ risen, mutilated body
In Luke’s postresurrection appearances, the disciples have to reckon with the traumatic somatic.
by Ched Myers
Jesus’ risen, mutilated body
In Luke’s postresurrection appearances, the disciples have to reckon with the traumatic somatic.
by Ched Myers
Jesus’ risen, mutilated body
In Luke’s postresurrection appearances, the disciples have to reckon with the traumatic somatic.
by Ched Myers
Jesus’ risen, mutilated body
In Luke’s postresurrection appearances, the disciples have to reckon with the traumatic somatic.
by Ched Myers
May 30, Ascension (Luke 24:44-53)
It can be excruciating to long for something just out of reach.
The glory and the glare of Easter
What can we see with the light in our eyes?
April 21, Resurrection of the Lord (Luke 24:1-12)
The resurrection is an old, old message. But I need to be reminded.