John 6
58 results found.
Choosing to abide (John 6:56-69)
This last reading from the bread of life discourse places Jesus’ disciples at a crossroads.
Wonder Bread vs. the bread of life (John 6:51-58)
Wonder Bread seems a good analogy for much of popular Christianity.
August 18, Ordinary 20B (John 6:51–58)
The Greek word sarx could well be translated as “hamburger” rather than “flesh.”
August 11, Ordinary 19B, (John 6:35, 41–51)
We need to wrestle with the meaning of Jesus’ flesh as bread, bread we are to consume.
Delighting in the story (John 6:1-21)
This week’s Gospel reading is profoundly delightful.
When and where did the resurrected Jesus first appear?
The Bible offers conflicting answers.
Daily bread amid luxury (John 6:24-35)
Living outside poverty is a wonderful thing, but it leaves one open to the temptation of a divided heart.
August 1, Ordinary 18B (John 6:24–35)
“Trust me!” Jesus says, and the more he says it, the less the crowd is inclined to go along.
No better place to be (John 6:56-69; Ephesians 6:10-20)
The disciples remember every miracle that Jesus did, every truth that he proclaimed.
Nurturing the bread of life (John 6:51-58)
The church doesn’t always value people as God does. Not even Mary.
August 26, Ordinary 21B (Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:56-69)
Before judging individuals for their sin, we should try to understand the forces of evil influencing them.
August 19, Ordinary 20B (John 6:51-58)
Communion is not the only time we seek Jesus like a hungry baby.
August 12, Ordinary 19B (John 6:35, 41-51)
People must have gasped when Jesus opened his mouth and said 'I am.'
August 5, Ordinary 18B (John 6:24-35)
I have an enduring memory of bread I ate when I was four. Jesus' bread also abides.
July 29, Ordinary 17B (John 6:1-21)
At that deserted spot on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus could've used a grocery store.
Why I stay: A prayer
Because my yearning comes from somewhere, and that somewhere must be you.
by Debie Thomas
August 23, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time: John 6:56-69
In our Gospel text, some of Jesus’ disciples find his teaching hard. Eating his body? Drinking his blood? I didn’t sign up for this. Couldn’t I just pray for you?