First Sunday after Christmas (Year 2, NL)
64 results found.
December 6, Advent 2B (Mark 1:1-8)
Advent calls us to take the myths of Christianity seriously.
The treasure of the Psalms
The psalter’s wisdom, illuminated from five perspectives
Sent out with words of approval (Mark 1:9-15)
The wilderness is hard enough. Kindness helps.
Rejoice in the Lord always—and especially in Lent
When we give something up, we realize that its goodness doesn't depend on our ownership of it.
by Miroslav Volf and Drew Collins
Preaching about the kingdom of God is urgent (Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20)
This week’s readings challenge us to adopt a particular posture.
February 18, Lent 1B (Mark 1:9-15)
What good is a wilderness experience?
Psalm 91 in every time and place
“No evil shall befall us,” said St. Anthony in the desert, preachers during the Rwandan genocide, and Americans after 9/11.
The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew, by Duccio
Art selection by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
Pope Francis says God doesn’t lead us into temptation. What does the Bible say?
Who tests Abraham, or Jacob, or Jesus—and why?
by Greg Carey
Stories even better than Garrison Keillor's
It's Advent, and accusations against prominent men are shaking things up like a highway construction project in the wilderness.
January 7, Baptism of the Lord (Mark 1:4-11)
Each January the lectionary invites us to remember the invisible network of faith.
by Kat Banakis
December 10, Advent 2B (Mark 1:1-8)
In Flint, we know something about nostalgia and despair—and hope.
Making violence false
Lent began as a time of preparation for the covenant of baptism. The Year B Lenten readings very much ring out this theme of covenant, starting this Sunday with the covenant with Noah and its interpretation in 1 Peter as the covenant of baptism. The coming weeks feature the covenants with Abraham and with Moses and finally the covenant written upon our hearts in Jeremiah 31. Developing the theme of covenant might be an edifying way to let these Lenten scripture readings prepare congregations for Holy Week—especially the high drama of the Easter Vigil, centered on the waters of baptism.
Sunday, January 11, 2015: Mark 1:4-11
I eschew the danger of the river, but I know that it is where God leads me.
by Diane Roth
Life exam
In a culture that finds repentance unintelligible, impractical, or unnecessary, we are called to witness to its intelligibility, beauty, and importance.
by Ryan McAnnally-Linz and Miroslav Volf