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Sierra Club highlights going green for God: "Faith in Action" report
From Christians in Hawaii to Buddhists in Connecticut, and from Jews in New York to Muslims in Wisconsin, people of all walks of faith are finding a myriad of ways to care for the environment, sta...
Tutu disturbed at Mbeki ouster in South Africa: Warns against payback mentality
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu says that ousted South African president Thabo Mbeki scored significant economic achievements and promoted peace in Africa, but he made enemies wi...
Anti-Muslim acts down, but profiling up: Leader recommends that officials condemn anti-Muslim bias
Anti-Muslim discrimination reached an all-time high in 2007, according to a report released by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)....
State Department raps China on religious rights: Eight countries cited in all
The U.S. State Department, in its annual report on international religious freedom, has admonished several Asian nations, including China, for severely repressing religion....
Heaven accessible to many, Americans say: A Baylor University study
Heaven is no longer viewed as an exclusive place by many Americans, according to a new survey from Baylor University....
Faith leaders urge long-term solutions for Gulf Coast: A "moral crisis"
More than 100 religious leaders have urged the federal government and both major political parties to develop long-term solutions to address poverty and environmental concerns along the Gulf Coast....
Orthodox body seeks new leader in wake of financial scandal: Misconduct at the highest levels
Reeling from an internal investigation that revealed financial misconduct at its highest levels, the Orthodox Church in America has vowed to work on “building a culture within the church which fost...
PCUSA fasting monthly to identify with poor: First Friday of every month
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is inviting its members to participate in a monthly churchwide fast for “repentance, reflection, and coordinated actions” to empathize with those suffering from hun...
Chaplains aid Wall Street workers as commentators blame greed, risk-taking: Preparing for the ripple effect
As stock market fears and billion-dollar emergency proposals rocked Wall Street, some dazed employees in the financial sector whose faith in the economy was shaken are turning to religious leaders ...
Dissident bishop is removed from Episcopal ministry: Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh
Episcopal bishops have removed Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh from the denomination’s ministry, saying the leading conservative in a church split has renounced and abandoned the Episcopal Churc...
'Female pastors' story rattles SBC nerves: Magazines removed from shelves
When Lutherans recently celebrated 50 years of ordaining women as pastors in Sweden, they invited Katharine Jefferts Schori, the first woman presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, to speak at fe...
An ultimate somebody: The bow that sets the arrow flying
When Toma and I became friends, he was somebody. I was 16, he was 22. He was a body builder, one of the best in the country, with aspirations and good prospects of becoming Mr. Universe. But then he embraced Christian faith and joined the church where my father was a pastor. He felt that God required him to abandon his athletic pursuits, which until then had been his god. He transposed the dreams of becoming Mr. Universe onto a religious plane: he wanted to be the apostle Paul of Yugoslavia, and maybe a new Billy Graham to the world.
In the autumn shadows: God gomes to us
Autumn arrives September 22 (in the Northern Hemisphere). If you are like me, you depart reluctantly from summer, the season of light....
Violence in the name of love (Matthew 22:34-46; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8)
How, in real life, do we love God and neighbor?
An elusive virtue: Matthew 23:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13
Let us imagine that humility was God’s gift to Paul at his conversion.
Take and read
Because Brown’s collection of writers hail from a wide range of theological and cultural perspectives and addr...
Take and read
A wonderful collection of essays from a variety of distinguished practitioners chronicles the sometimes jo...