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Candidates' health plans reflect differing visions: The proper role of government
Campaign prescriptions to reform the U.S....
College presidents ask public to rethink drinking age: The Amethyst Initiative
Alarmed at undergraduate binge drinking and other illegal activities they say are related to a nationwide ban on under-21 alcoholic beverage consumption, more than 100 college presidents have sign...
Poll: More want churches quiet on politics, less faith talk by politicians: A slim majority
A slim majority of Americans, including rising numbers of conservatives, say churches should stay out of politics, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press....
Pelosi and bishops spar over church's teaching on abortion: Speaker of the House cites Augustine
A spokesperson for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has struck back against criticism from prominent Catholic prelates who accused the California representative of misrepresenting church teachings about ...
Biden brings Catholic issues into play: Obama's VP choice will stir debate
While supporters say Senator Joe Biden provides a crucial Democratic Party link with Catholic voters, others say Barack Obama’s choice for his running mate will stir a debate on Biden’s position on...
Explain yourself: Making belief intelligible
Karl Barth famously attacked apologetics—the attempt to offer a persuasive account of Christian belief on mutually agreed-upon grounds of reason—as a misguided task, part of the failure of theologi...
Illuminations: Pauline Baynes's fancies of another world
Pauline Baynes died on August 1 at the age of 85—one more light gone out from the golden age of children’s book illustration, an age that gave us Arthur Rackham’s fairies, Edmund Dulac’s Cinderella...
Lessons from Batman: Can we live with justice, peace and truth?
Every Batman story explores the nature of good and evil—or more specifically the often blurry line between the two. The Dark Knight takes the Batman-Everyman story in fresh directions, ones germane to a world confronted with terrorism. The movie raises the question: What is worse or more demonic: a terrorist with principles (even if that principle is nothing grander than accumulating more and more money) or one without?
Living and active: Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32
I often feel like a religious leader standing under judgment.
Free to serve: Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew 21:33-46
We need to repent of offering the world our charitable leftovers and then pouting when the world doesn’t say thank you.
Brother Cactus: Walkers in a wild place
For the last couple of years our church community has been burrowing a path through the dense brush of our land....
A place that makes sense: On not living too large
Hammarby Sjostad used to be an industrial brownfield, toxic and unpopulated. It was slated to become part of the Olympic Village in 2004; the bid failed, but the momentum for a new neighborhood was enormous, and a town was built. It was designed to be an ecological gem, a place where the average person would live half again as lightly as the average Swede, who is already among the most ecologically minded citizens of the developed world.
Marriage debate
It would be hard to find more divisive, jabbing rhetoric on marriage than in these publications ...
Expanded territory
"Ruin” is the title of the prologue to this memoir by wilderness activist Amy Irvine, and indeed, ruins—both material and metaph...
Much Madness Is Divinest Sense: Wisdom in Memoirs of Soul-Suffering
Ignorance is the opposite of love,” writes the father of a young man with schizophrenia, reflecting on his eff...
A Church of Her Own: What Happens When a Woman Takes the Pulpit
Sarah Sentilles opens A Church of Her Own by proclaiming that 11 o’clock on Sunday morning is “the most sex...
Brideshead Revisited
Evelyn Waugh’s marvelous novel Brideshead Revisited begins as a coming-of-age story....
Fear and trembling
It's one thing to profess; another to do. Christians put a lot of emphasis on professing—belief, repentance—but we also know that without doing, those words are just so much hot air....