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Churches dread giving pink slips: Tough-minded financial decisions
As many congregations grapple with declining contributions, some faith communities are following the lead of cash-strapped corporations by laying off employees....
Blest be the ties that bind: Churchly belonging
While I never suffered the childhood trauma of parents getting divorced, I know as an adult what it is like to suffer with a divided family. That is because I am an Episco palian....
Friends and servants: John 15:9-17
When you hear the word slave or servant, what image comes to mind?...
Kairos moments: Acts 8:26-40
The record of an Ethiopian eunuch and Philip meeting on a road to Gaza ignites the imagination. Why was this Ethiopian eunuch traveling on this road?...
Making for home: A kinship of gifts
To the Ephesians and Philippians, to the Galatians and anyone who would listen, Paul’s message was the same.
Making for home: A kinship of gifts
To the Ephesians and Philippians, to the Galatians and anyone who would listen, Paul’s message was the same.
Take and read
The biblical theme of divine election, according to Kaminsky, is a seminal idea basic to Judaism and Christianity w...
Take and read
Reynolds combines a profound and wide-ranging rethinking of Christian theology from the perspective of disability w...
Liberal path
Imagine that a stranger had walked up to you a few years ago and presented the following scenario about a ma...
Augustine and the Jews: A Christian Defense of Jews and Judaism
I remember once defending the doctrine of divine immutability to a renowned New Testament scholar at an academic c...
Introducing Moral Theology: True Happiness and the Virtues
What counts as the good life? What constitutes happiness? What do we really need in order to flourish as human beings?...
Taking Back God: American Women Rising Up for Religious Equality
Growing up in a Mennonite conference in Pennsylvania that didn’t ordain women, I met plenty of folks like my moth...
Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor
She was the best confessedly Christian writer of the 20th century, maybe one of the very best of any time or place. With dark wit, always tinged with a threat of horror, she packed into her stories the guilt, blood, violence, blinding light and costly redemption that is our encounter with the living Christ, though she seldom made explicit reference to Christ. Her stories are parables of a world with everything out of balance, not just because most of them occur in the unbalanced American South, but because she deeply believed that we have been whopped upside the head by a God who is determined to have us—even if God has to venture into inhospitable rural Georgia to do it.
The Private Patient
Few novelists have remained at the top of their form as long as P. D. James has....
Shadow Country
Rarely do you get to use sweeping words like epic and masterpiece and staggering, or to say that a book will be in print in America as long as...