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How Jesus shares the peace: John 20:19-31
The disciples are afraid, so they lock their doors. I do the same.
Bill Bright and Campus Crusade for Christ: The Renewal of Evangelicalism in Postwar America
If you’re looking for a book that will either vilify or canonize Bill Bright and Campu...
No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims About Jesus
Theologians and biblical scholars don’t usually trespass into popular religion....
Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire
Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire is a deceptively short yet theologically deep book....
Say what needs to be said
I remember a man at a congregation I once served who was an accomplished house painter and a member of the choir. He was also a man of few words, but when he spoke I listened....
Take a donkey
Architect Lewis Mumford argued that the beauty of a particular house comes from building it on the most challenging feature of the land. If there is a depression in the land, says Mumford, use it....
Creative invocation: In that holy name
When Rick Warren was invited to deliver the invocation at Barack Obama’s inauguration, the choice annoyed some people because of Warren’s conservative position on several important and controversia...
Spending habits: The defense budget
The U.S defense budget, always outsized, has become even more bloated in recent years....
Century Marks
Forget retirement: Because no one can afford to retire, says columnist Gail Collins, we should get used to the idea of a 75-year-old person fixing our car or removing our tonsils. In fact, we should start thinking of everyone as 20 years younger than they actually are. “Then you will feel much better when the 80-year-old postman delivers your mail and it includes a request for money from your 38-year-old offspring doing post-post-post-doctoral work at Ohio State” (New York Times, February 12).
Counting the cost: Congregations in the recession
Among U.S. churches of better-than-average size and budget, nearly half are feeling the impact of the deepening recession and are being forced in many cases to cut staff or freeze salaries. Donations are down, said 48 percent of church leaders surveyed at these churches in February. Last August, 41 percent of respondents reported a downward trend in donations at a time when Wall Street financial firms needed rescue and gasoline prices were sky high. But although the unemployment rate is rising, credit is tight as a drum and stock and home values are shriveling, 52 percent of congregational executives reported that donations at their churches have not declined.
Updike's passions: Religion, sex, art
As John Updike’s readers know, he was haunted by death, but he lived in hope that his words would live and speak to other children of earth....
Briefly noted
A new position to coordinate efforts against institutional sexism and sexual misconduct in the United Methodist Church has been handed to a man by the denomination’s Commission on the Status...
Media CEO creates London bus signs affirming God: "There is a God. Don't worry."
The head of a London-based Russian television station plans to counter a recent atheist poster campaign on London buses by funding even larger placards proclaiming the existence of God....
Poverty Forum hopes to shape White House goals: A bipartisan group of Christian leaders
A bipartisan group of 18 Christian leaders has developed a host of policy recommendations on poverty reduction that they hope will shape the actions of the Obama administration and Congress....
Science group boycotts New Orleans over law on science teaching: The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
A national organization of scientists has informed Governor Bobby Jindal that it will not hold its annual convention in Louisiana as long as the state’s recently adopted science curriculum standard...