June 5, Pentecost C (John 14:8-17, 25-27)
Why books get banned
We need to stop talking about “good” and “bad” neighborhoods
Ofelia Ortega does theology to empower women
Lawrence Jackson’s memoir tells a story of location shaped by race
Episode 16: Theologian Mitri Raheb, author of The Politics of Persecution
Under Elon Musk’s authority
The courage to admit that we have blind spots
A New Testament that connects the heart languages of First Nations people
May 29, Easter 7C (Acts 16:16-34; John 17:20-26)
Turning Red and the terror and joy of female adolescence
A robot learns to be a child
May 26, Ascension (Luke 24:44-53)
Ukrainians’ best path to US runs through Mexico
As Mecca reopens, economic disparities are on display
Church agencies call for action as extreme drought hits eastern Africa