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Christian Ethics in a Technological Age, by Brian Brock
Christians have often used technology—from electric guitars to PowerPoint presentations to blogs—in the service of witnessing to their faith....
Sunday, March 13, 2011: Genesis 2:15-17
The serpent was right: when Eve and Adam ate the fruit, they did not die; they saw more clearly.
World Day of Prayer focuses on women of Chile
New York, March 1 (ENInews)--The potent symbol of bread will take pride of place this week as an annual common day of prayer focuses on the struggle of women in Chile....
Blacks bristle at notion of `slave of Christ'
(RNS) For evangelical author John MacArthur, the best way to explain a
Christian's relationship to Jesus is what appears to be a simple...
Korean church groups commemorate independence declaration
Tokyo, March 1 (ENInews)--North and South Korean Protestant church groups have held their first simultaneous worship services to commemorate a declaration of independence on 1 March, 1919 from Japa...
Christians banned from foster care over gay views
LONDON (RNS) Two senior judges have banned a Christian couple from any
further foster care because they oppose homosexuality, a stance that the...
On evangelical campuses, rumblings of gay acceptance
(RNS) Late last week, the provost of Belmont University in Nashville,
Tenn., announced that the school officially had recognized its first gay
student organization.
Harvard pastor, theologian Peter Gomes dies at 68
(RNS) The Rev. Peter Gomes, the longtime minister of Harvard
University's Memorial Church who was hailed as one of the nation's top
preachers, died Monday (Feb. 28) at age 68....
Israeli ambassador prompts debate over campus free speech
IRVINE, Calif. (RNS) "Michael Oren, propagating murder is not an
expression of free speech!"
And so began the protest of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's...
Anti-gay pastor arrested for indecent exposure around kids
METAIRIE, La. (RNS) A fundamentalist Christian pastor known for his
bullhorn protests of the annual Southern Decadence gay pride festival...
Clear texts and troubled times
I have finally gotten around to putting away the green garden hose I tripped over all fall. After some extended travel time, the sudden frigid weather caught me off guard. Trying to coil cold plastic hose in a chilly garage seems impossible. Getting the job done properly requires time and patience. I was determined to take hours if necessary and to do it with humor and the long view.
Mission Mississippi
Started in 1992 by a loose coalition of white and black evangelicals in Jackson, Mission Mississippi's early efforts were geared toward big events. Later the focus shifted to personal relationships.
Superstitious prayers
Faithful prayer asks not merely for healing but for patience and discernment and continuing faithfulness. By comparison, a superstitious act is easy and instantaneous.
A poignant Sunday in quake-ravaged Christchurch, New Zealand
Christchurch, New Zealand, February 28 (ENInews)--On the Sunday after an earthquake ravaged New Zealand's second-largest city, worshippers gathered outdoors, in unfamiliar churches and next to dama...
Libyan Christian clergy seek help for stranded migrants
Nairobi, February 28 (ENInews)--Libyan Christian clergy have appealed for urgent help for Eritrean refugees who have taken shelter in a church in Tripoli, following days of violent anti-government ...
Age-old Lent gets a 21st-century makeover
(RNS) For Janis Galvin fasting for Lent has long meant saying no to
candy for the 40 days before Easter. But when the season begins this...
Wisconsin dispute exposes Catholic split on unions
(RNS) The fierce budget battle in Wisconsin that's pitting unions
against Republican Gov. Scott Walker has also pitted the state's top...
SBC stores pull warning labels from certain books
Southern Baptist bookstores have quietly suspended a four-year-old
program that warned customers to read with "discernment" works by...
Illuminating the ordinary
Learning to see in new ways is one of the most difficult tasks of the transformed life. Old habits of selective vision, old choices about what to leave out and what to focus on tend to dominate us, even as we search for new ways of living that are in closer communion with the life of the Spirit. Transfiguration--that mysterious transformation of vision that is narrated in today's readings--is a radical, if brief, way of illumination.
Taliban, by Ahmed Rashid
First published in 2000, this book was the definitive account of the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan in the vacuum left after the defeat of the Soviet Union and the retreat of the rest of the wo...