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Libya illusions
Neo-cons at the Weekly Standard like Bill Kristol, Republican
leaders like Mitch McConnell and John McCain, and liberal interventionists such...
Waiting to wed: Young adults on sex and marriage
The majority of young adults in America not only think they should explore different relationships, they believe it may be foolish and wrong not to.
Bhutanese protest tobacco charge against Buddhist monk
NEW DELHI (RNS) Protesters in Bhutan are denouncing the three-year
prison sentence of a Buddhist monk charged with violating the small
kingdom's anti-tobacco law.
Palestinian advocacy campaign brought to churches in India
Bangalore, India, March 4 (ENInews)--Two advocates for the Palestinian cause in the Middle East have expanded an awareness campaign to churches worldwide and recently brought the campaign to India....
Christchurch cathedral search reveals no quake victims
Wellington, New Zealand, March 7 (ENInews)--Following widespread reports that 20 to 22 people had been trapped inside the Anglican cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand after a devastating earthqu...
White House praises Muslims ahead of hearing
WASHINGTON (RNS) Days ahead of a controversial congressional hearing on
Islamic extremism, the Obama administration is highlighting the role...
Muslims and supporters protest congressional hearings
NEW YORK (RNS) When Anam Chaudhry, 17, sang the national anthem to
several hundred protesters in Times Square on Sunday afternoon, she wore...
Failing as pastor hurts, talking about it is hard
Sometimes being a pastor is a real pain. But few pastors want to admit it. J. R. Briggs is trying to change that....
Free and flawed
The first Sunday of Lent is the best time of the year to talk about sin. Many people in the church, especially the mainline church, are stuck when it comes to the overlap of sin and sensuality. No one really wants to be the pastor who comes over all judgmental about sex.
Say Goodbye, by Liz Janes
While Say Goodbye is no
straightforward salute to Memphis, soul is as good a word as any for this quiet, strange but above all groovy little record.
Niwano Peace Prize to be awarded to Thai Buddhist leader
Tokyo, March 3 (ENInews)--The Tokyo-based Niwano Peace Foundation has announced it will award its 2011 Peace Prize to Sulak Sivaraksa, a Thai Buddhist leader....
Methodists grow abroad, continue slippage in U.S.
World membership in the United Methodist Church has risen above 12 million for the first time, but U.S. professing members dropped 1.2 percent to 7.8 million in the most recent data....
Gay cause leads in PCUSA voting
More than halfway through the balloting by regional presbyteries, a proposal to permit ordination of openly gay and lesbian pastors in the nation's largest Presbyterian denomination holds a lead....
The union struggle
The attack on public unions could deliver a virtual knockout blow to the union movement, and that would be a blow to all workers.
House Republicans plan to defend DOMA
WASHINGTON (RNS) House Speaker John Boehner said on Friday (March 4)
that he and fellow lawmakers will defend the Defense of Marriage Act...
Turkish Protestants still face "long path" to religious freedom
Warsaw, March 4 (ENInews)--A senior Turkish Protestant has said his country's small Christian churches still face severe hardships, despite recent pledges by the government to improve protection of...
Archbishop wrestles with doubts on school paddling
NEW ORLEANS (RNS) As a high-school student in the mid-1960s, Greg Aymond
occasionally saw an angry teacher cuff a student. It never happened to...
`Of Gods and Men' traces murder and martyrdom
(RNS) The Rev. James Martin has seen a lot of religious movies in his life. But the Jesuit priest and author says a new film has sprung to the top of his list....
Muslims and Copts together: Egypt’s interfaith revolution
One of the chief ramifications of the protests that overthrew Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was the way religious divisions were set aside in the process.