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Gingrich’s rhetoric stirs GOP’s Jewish activists
GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich ignited an audience of
Republican Jewish activists in Washington by promising to move the U.S....
Israeli protesters resist influence of ultra-Orthodox
With its department-store-sized windows, the Kolben Dance Company's
studio faces a busy Jerusalem plaza, but few passersby have ever
glimpsed one of the troupe's rehearsals inside....
Blame the messenger
It has not happened all that often, but on occasions someone has been upset enough with a sermon I've preached to call me up and complain.
A proper patriot
We owe our homeland patriotism, but not just any kind of patriotism—because just as we don't choose our parents, neither do we choose our country of origin.
Sunday, December 18, 2011: Luke 1:26–38; 46b–55
This month millions of families around the world will gather dutifully and joyfully for a traditional ritual meal....
Cultural and religious beliefs are obstacles to gay rights, says Hillary Clinton
Geneva, December 6 (ENInews)--The world needs to act more proactively to promote and protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, said United States Secretary ...
Faux tell-all by God himself raises eyebrows
c. 2011 Religion News Service
(RNS) Note to believers everywhere: God apparently wants a do-over.
The Advent we hope for
Whenever I attend Catholic mass during Advent, as I did last weekend, I’m always struck by how it is simply assumed—how it’s a liturgical . . . no, an ontological given—that Christmas is nowhere yet in sight.
Links? Links.
Here are some things I read recently but didn't get around to blogging about.
Faces of Jesus: Rembrandt and the incarnation
Rembrandt's meditations on Jesus' face reflect momentous
changes in his faith—and in how people of his time
envisioned Jesus.
As church-based civil unions kick in, Church of England says no
c. 2011 Religion News Service...
Mainline moves to trim bureaucracy
A list of the Episcopal Church's 75 commissions, committees,
agencies and boards spilled over eight PowerPoint slides during a recent...
U.S., Cuban church leaders seek normalized relations
Church leaders from ecumenical councils in the U.S. and Cuba wrapped
up a five-day meeting in Havana on December 2 with a call for...