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The Submission, by Amy Waldman
Amy Waldman's debut novel asks us to take a long look at our post-9/11 selves and be disappointed.
Person of the book
The older and more tattered my Bible becomes, the more it becomes part of me.
'Occupy' movement comes to church
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) – As the Occupy protest movement spreads into
cities across the United States and around the world, one North Carolina...
National Council of Churches honors five congregations as "interfaith engaged" leaders
New York, December 8 (ENInews)--Five congregations demonstrating a special enthusiasm and exemplary work for interfaith relations have been named "model interfaith engaged congregations" by the Nat...
Churches in Africa urged to prioritize disability rig
Nairobi, Keyna, December 8 (ENInews)--With a small number of disabled, deaf, and blind people now members of Africa's clergy, the continent's churches are being challenged to lead the struggle to i...
Young hip Jews leading a Hanukkah music makeover
c. 2011 Religion News Service
(RNS) Put on your boogie shoes -- the new Hanukkah songs are here!...
Parents, pastors wrestle with place of Santa at Christmas
c. 2011 Religion News Service
(RNS) When the Rev. John McCausland crafted his Christmas Eve sermon at his Episcopal church in Weare, N.H., he always followed a basic formula.
We are The Church of Infinite Chances
We are The Church of
Infinite Chances, where every sinner is a saint and vice versa. "Sinners
welcome," reads the banner on my church.
Sounding nice and getting tough
Tuesday's speech was the most fired up and the readiest to go that we've seen Obama in a good long while.
Naked Spirituality, by Brian D. McLaren
The architecture of Naked Spirituality is a bit complicated. But if you can bear with it, you'll find that Brian McLaren offers countless insights.
Disobedience for racial justice
William Barber has a way of getting people arrested. Since he took
charge of the NAACP in North Carolina, he's been inspiring
followers—black and white—to engage in acts of civil disobedience.
Defending diversity: North Carolina churches fight for integrated schools
Years before Brown v. Board, the North Carolina Council
of Churches fought for integrated schools. Almost 75 years later, the council mobilized again for the same cause.
African priest's "miracle cure" stirs debate about HIV/AIDS treatment
Nairobi, Kenya, December 7 (ENInews)--In villages to towns across Africa, messages of HIV prevention are resonating through churches in the wake of global events marking World AIDS Day....