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Andy Murray and what's changed
Rule Britannia! Finally the old country sits atop the tennis throne....
Friday digest
New today from the Century: Kat Banakis on being alone among friends, Tyler Day on Andy Murray and what's changed, more.
The Center Holds, by Jonathan Alter
Jonathan Alter continues the comprehensive chronicle of the Obama presidency he began with The Promise: President Obama, Year One....
What’s really killing the church
I asked an older English woman who left the church long ago why she now wants to come back. Her response made the color drain from my face.
Vatican’s new legal guide adds offenses for abuse, leaking documents
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Seen and unseen
There are things about this life of faith that I like to think I understand.
Bread: this is Christ's body. We break it, we share it, we become it....
Thursday digest
New today from the Century: Sam Wells on what's really killing the church, Martha-Lynn Corner on what's seen and what's unseen, more.
Nones against none-ism?
Last week Pew released some more data from its spring survey on the rise of the nones. They asked people if they thought the growing number of "people who are not religious" is good, bad or neutral for American society. One interesting finding: while most of the nones said neutral, nearly as many said "bad" as "good." Almost a fifth of the nones think the growth of the nones—of their own group—is bad for society.
Lots of people seem surprised by this finding.
In Praise of Messy Lives, by Katie Roiphe
In the introduction to this collection of essays, Katie Roiphe addresses for the first (and not the last) time the existence of her many detractors and thereby her own insecurity....
Spiritual cul-de-sac: How the church fails the divorced
Divorce is a time when we most need our brothers and sisters in faith. Yet churches and clergy often ignore divorcing people.
Conservatives say religious freedom is ‘under attack’ in military
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
The other side of religious liberty and same-sex marriage
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s marriage decisions, debates about the effects on religious groups have dominated the religious blogosphere. “Gay marriage fight now becomes a religious liberty fight,” claims the headline of one Washington Examiner column. Behind such headlines lies a far less univocal history, and no doubt a much more complicated present reaction among religious communities. From this perspective, the fight for marriage equality has always been deeply engaged in religion.
These aren't the evangelicals you're looking for
A few years ago, I was invited by a Lutheran friend of mine to take part in a group of church planters. I knew these folk came from an evangelical background, and my shields went up....
Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: Carolyne Call on how the church fails the divorced, Sarah Barringer Gordon on the other side of religious liberty and same-sex marriage, more.
Fleeing Herod, by James Cowan
James Cowan's book follows the Holy Family's path through Egypt. It is anchored in numerous conversations with monks, nuns, guides and fellow pilgrims.
No place for alms: A curb on panhandling
A new law in Durham makes standing in the highway median illegal. One night in March, six pastors broke the law by panhandling there.
Catholic hospitals at odds with bishops over birth control mandate
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Church of England aims for women bishops before 2016
The Church of England’s governing body reaffirmed its commitment to consecrate women bishops with the aim of reaching final approval on the issue no late...
Sunday, July 21, 2013: Amos 8:1-12; Colossians 1:15-28; Luke 10:38-42
On a busy day recently I pulled into a gas station and filled up my car’s gasoline tank....