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Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: July 4 and war sermons, bearing ironic witness, the Bible in English lit, more.
Other people saying things
"With today’s agreement, progressives can refocus their criticisms of Pritzker on her family’s use of offshore tax shelters."
The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature
Biblical material pervades the works of English literature. Bible stories have been retold, recast and reinterpreted....
Fake marriage, real kids
The Americans is more than a spy show. It explores how a hidden identity is hard to nourish—and an identity embodied in habit is harder to disavow.
Carter says faith still used against women
The abuse of women is “the most pervasive and unaddressed human rights violation on Earth” and too often justified in the name of religion, former president Jimmy Carter said at a June 27–29 confer...
Sunday, July 14, 2013: Luke 10:25-37
When I was in high school I was fascinated with the field of evolutionary psychology....
After Section 5
I spent last week on a rural island in Wisconsin, where the Century was cosponsoring the Wisconsin Council of Churches' annual summer forum. It was a great event. It was also a pretty momentous news week, and there I was away from the office and mostly offline.
Since returning I've been taken aback by just how much more ink the Supreme Court's Defense of Marriage Act decision has gotten than its Voting Rights Act decision.
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: Beth Felker Jones on The Americans, Carol Howard Merritt on wrestling with faith, more.
Wrestling with faith
Most spiritual leaders have wrestled with faith. Most of your pastors and most of the people that you look up to have questioned their faith and doubted God. It’s just that when we do it, we call it fancy, poetic things, like, “The dark night of the soul.”
What happened to Occupy? The divided left and the demise of a movement: The divided left and the demise of a movement
"We are the 99 percent" was a brilliant rallying cry. But those five words were Occupy's essential contribution, and they came at the start.
Public school yoga classes not religious, says judge
A California judge has ruled that the teaching of yoga in public schools does not establish a government interest in religion....
Peace wish
This week's Living by the Word column focuses on the story of the healing of Naaman the Aramean, one of the most dramatic healing stories in the Bible. But here I want to blog about a small detail of that story as it relates to the other lessons.
Monday digest
New today from the Century: Doug Rossinow on why Occupy failed, Kathy Grieb blogs the lectionary, more.
Transforming Church Conflict, by Deborah Van Deusen Hunsinger and Theresa F. Latini
Conflict can be destructive, constructive or even transformative depending on how leaders respond to it....
Sustaining a resource
My hope is that those of us who rely on the Century today will create the financial strength to guarantee that there will be a Century in the future.
Obama issues final rules on contraceptive exemption
The Obama administration has issued final rules for religious groups for its controversial contraception mandate, maintaining its position on who qualifies for religious exemption and allowing no c...
Surprised by volunteers
Two weeks ago, I was in my office getting ready for worship when a church member stopped by with a cherry tomato. A small, single tomato, which he handed to me....
It was bound to happen
Yes, I’m the pastor. Yes, I’ve been praying the prayer since childhood. Yes, I lead the prayer every Sunday.
Still, it was bound to happen....