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Long way home
Ultimate Journey: Retracing the Path of an Ancient Budhist Monk Who Crossed Asia in Search of Enlightenment by Richard Bernstein...
In God's house
Heaven in Stone and Glass: Experiencing the Spirituality of the Great Cathedrals by Robert Barron ...
Captive church
The Last Days: A Son's Story of Sin and Segregation at the Dawn of a New South by Charles Marsh...
Mothers at work
The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World Is Still the Least Valued by Ann Crittenden...
The college try
Quality with Souls: How Six Premier Colleges and Universities Keep Faith with Their Religious Traditions by Robert Benne... An interreligious web site
"Here we have a multifaith, multi-approach, multi-ideological site flourishing—at a time when we’re supposed to be getting more fragmented, more contentious, more divided.” So wro...
Driving global warming: The machines for burning gasoline
Up until some point in the 1960s, people of a certain class routinely belonged to segregated country clubs without giving it much thought—it was “normal.” And then, in the space o...
War on the web: Getting the story out
During the Vietnam war, pictures of death and destruction filled our television screens....
Truth or consequences
When David Horowitz offered 50 college newspapers a paid advertisement, he was setting a perfect trap....
The power of good will
On this year’s Israeli Independence Day, Gideon Samet wrote in a column for the Jerusalem newspaper Ha’aretz that as long as Israel occupies the West Bank and Gaza, it will nev...
None of the above
When pollsters ask people what their religious identity is, they usually answer with a phrase like “I am of the Catholic tradition,” or “I am a mainline Protestant” or &ldqu...
Learning from the Middle East churches: Perseverance and courage
My encounters with Arab Christians in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Palestine have changed the way I look at both the New Testament and the mission of the church....
The gods of war: Investigating Bob Kerrey
Did Bob Kerrey commit a war crime in Vietnam when his navy squadron killed unarmed women and children?...
Hitting the road: Sunday, June 3 (1 Corinthians 12:4-13; Acts 2:1-11)
You can’t micromanage a road trip. The wind blows where it wills.
In the West Bank: The drama of the drive home
The drive from Afula in Israel south to Jalame in the West Bank takes only minutes, but these two towns are worlds apart....