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1 & 2 Kings, by Walter Brueggemann
Ancient times sound much like modern times--power plays, the strange mix of sex and politics, the intricate dance between nations....
Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation, by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
This is not another Jesus book!" says the jacket blurb on Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza's new work....
Open wounds: Letter from Sarajevo
A bus makes the long, winding climb up the mountains that surround Sarajevo, and passengers enjoy a spectacular view of the valley where 400,000 people reside....
Assaults and anomalies
Under current federal law, an individual who assaults a pregnant woman receives no punishment for any harm done to the unborn child....
Prophets and peacemakers
When racial unrest erupted in Cincinnati in April, African-American ministers were caught between being prophets and peacemakers....
Saving the earth: An alternative scenario
The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming
By David G. Victor: Princeton University Press...
The making of Jesus: An evangelist and an unhappy producer
Oklahoma-raised Bill Bright came to Los Angeles in 1944 and started a business selling candies, fruits and jams....
How the critics see Jesus
When Jesus played in theaters in 1979-80, the New York Times said it was “little more than an illustrated Gospel, with nothing in the way of historical and social context.” The...
Learned ignorance
Graduation season has arrived, and commencement speakers everywhere are praising the virtues of education....
Quarreling with God
God so rarely is taken seriously on television that it came as a shock when President Josiah Bartlet on The West Wing orders his Secret Service detail to block all entrances to the Nationa...
A howl of despair: Sunday, June 24 Psalm 42
The Psalms have always functioned as a book of common prayer. But there is also a long history of turning to the Psalter as a sourcebook for poetry. It is not difficult to see why....
Sunday, July 1 (1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21; Luke 9: 51-62)
The lectionary loves to take biblical texts that share some things in common and then watch as worlds collide once differences come to light....
A wise heart
When I think of the people who have had a special impact on my life, who were catalysts in my formation, I think especially of Joseph Sittler....
Giving up reading: A Lenten discipline
The Monday after Easter, Hannah and Jim threw a party. We’d been instructed to bring our contraband—whatever we gave up for Lent: Beer. Chocolate. Something caffeinated....
Deadlines: Faith at Work
Louie Armstrong is supposed to have said, “Never mind creativity, man, just give me a deadline.” It’s a beautiful credo, one with which any self-supporting writer or artist can re...
The prayer of Jabez
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil,...
Surrounded by life
Heiko Augustinus Oberman, born 15 October 1930 in Utrecht, died in Tucson on 22 April 2001....
Between the lines: Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5: 1-5; John 16: 12-15
According to Emily Dickinson, you speak the truth best when you tell it “slant.” I am quite sure that when she penned this line the blessed Trinity was far from her thoughts....
Mousetraps: Sunday, June 17 (2 Samuel 11: 26-12:10, 13-15; Luke 7: 36-8:3)
How do you prove that your uncle killed your father on his way to seizing both a crown and a sister-in-law for himself?...
A living wage: Dollars and sense
One of the characters in Marshall Jevons's mystery novel Murder at the Margin is a Harvard Divinity School professor named Matthew Dyke, who at one point complains about the exploitation o...