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Trinity, Time, and Church, edited by Colin E. Gunton
By any measure--longevity, productivity, respect, acuity--Robert W. Jenson is a great theologian....
Jesus, Humanity and the Trinity, by Kathryn Tanner
Kathryn Tanner's first book, God and Creation in Christian Theology (1988), was technical, austere and tremendously important....
Most Moved Mover and Searching for an Adequate God
Just as the divisive issue of biblical inerrancy dominated evangelical theological discussion in the 1970s, so the issue of God's "openness" has increasingly dominated it recently....
From Anarchy to Power, by Wendy M. Grossman
Is the culture of the Web something genuinely new, or is it merely "human nature plugged-in"?...
Stealth politics
President Bush has told Congress to stop its “partisan bickering” and pass his economic stimulus package....
Front lines of terrorism
September 11 and December 13—to Indians, the events of these days were startlingly similar....
Reading up on Islam
The enormity of the events of September 11 sparked unprecedented demand for books on Islam and the Middle East....
The lost son
For years it was the image of the cat that haunted his dreams, so that each time he woke up he would experience the same chill, his body on the edge of trembling, until he remembered what the dream...
Getting mail
It’s a truism in my trade that one negative comment about the sermon can pretty much ruin your Sunday....
A letter to William James
Dear Professor James: A century has passed since you delivered the 20 Gifford Lectures on natural religion at Edinburgh, and published them as The Varieties of Religious Experience....
Foolish belonging: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
In the United States, it is rare to hear someone define herself as belonging to someone else. Here, we belong to ourselves.
Body language
In baptism, we are not only bathed but also clothed. “As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ,” writes Paul in his Letter to the Galatians....
Memory sites
Perhaps the Ancient of Days took great pleasure in these light shows.
Vincent and Denzel
At the beginning of this day, near the beginning of this year, let me suggest that you follow a new morning routine. Don’t rely on coffee alone to get you started....
Electronic Luther
Luther's Works on CD-ROM. Version 1.0. Edited by Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut T. Lehmann. Fortress/Concordia, $179.00....
Zen Gifts to Christians, by Robert E. Kennedy
Robert Kennedy is an American Jesuit priest who immersed himself in the practice of Zen Buddhism during his years in Japan; after returning to the U.S., he did further Zen practice and was commissi...
The cost of deregulation
I believe in God and I believe in free markets,” Kenneth Lay told a religion editor for the San Diego Union-Tribune early last year....
Caught in the middle
It is not easy to be a moderate in the United Methodist Church today....