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Leo D. Lefebure
Leo D. Lefebure teaches theology at Georgetown University and is the author of Transforming Interreligious Relations: Catholic Responses to Religious Pluralism in the United States (Orbis Books).
The legacy of “religionization”
Marianne Moyaert provides a helpful but somber history of the ways European Christians have imagined people of other faiths.
Will the real fundamentalists please stand up?
What counts as fundamentalism? David Harrington Watt and Sathianathan Clarke give contrasting answers.
The Fear of Islam, by Todd H. Green
Todd Green addresses the challenge of Islamophobia in North America and Europe—and critiques the distortions that often appear in the media.
The Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an, by Anton Wessels
Anton Wessels emphasizes points of convergence among the Abrahamic religions, even assimilating their scriptural perspectives into a single story. It's an audacious wager, and not without dangers.
Wisdom become flesh, spirit roars, life transformed
God's all-encompassing love enters the world in the
person of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Spirit.
God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World—and Why Their Differences Matter
The tradition known as the perennial philosophy has long argued that all of th...
The world comes to Qatar: Interfaith conversations in an Arab land
A few decades ago Qatar was a tribal society with an economy based largely on fishing, pearl harvesting and camel and horse breeding. In 1995 a bloodless coup set the stage for the modernization of the country’s oil and gas industries. Qatar’s economy grew 24 percent in 2006 alone, and its per capita income that year was $61,540. Today Qatar is on track to become the wealthiest nation (on a per capita basis) in the world.
Teaching moments: Cultural critic
For a generation of students at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, Langdon Gilkey reflected with wisdom and grace on contemporary events in light of Christian faith, and he reflected...
Buddhism, by Donald W. Mitchell
Newcomers to the Buddhist tradition are often bewildered by the sheer variety of often contradictory perspectives and approaches....
Religion and Violence, by Hent de Vries
This thoughtful, well-researched book seeks to develop and apply a distinctive philosophical approach to reflection on religion--an approach that goes beyond the traditional methods of confess...
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Jesus: The only way?
Introducing Theologies of Religions. By Paul F. Knitter. Orbis, 256 pp., $25.00 paperback....
The Jesus Sutras, by Martin Palmer
The Jesus Sutras:Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity. By Maertin Palmer. Ballantine, 304 pp., $24.95....
Classroom encounters: Interreligious impact
Many of the most moving experiences I have had with students in class have involved encounters with members of other religious traditions....
Zen Gifts to Christians, by Robert E. Kennedy
Robert Kennedy is an American Jesuit priest who immersed himself in the practice of Zen Buddhism during his years in Japan; after returning to the U.S., he did further Zen practice and was commissi...
Breaking the cycle
I See Satan Fall Like Lightening. By René Girard. Translated by James G. Williams. Orbis, 199 pp., $20.00 paperback....