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Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About, by Donald E. Knuth
Although many of us may be unfamiliar with the name Donald Knuth, not so computer scientists and programmers....
Sci-fi smorgasbord
The summer blockbuster Signs is a 1950s B movie wrapped up in 21st-century finery....
Sexual angst
Unstinting in its language and unembarrassed about explicit discussions of sex, Darren Star's Sex and the City, now in its fifth season on HBO, is also television's most dazzling example o...
He Shines in All That's Fair, by Richard J. Mouw
These chapters are the written version of the author's Stob Lectures, given at Calvin Theological Seminary in 2000....
Time out: Grieving may be the best road to peace
I am probably not alone in deploring both the suicide bombings carried out by young Palestinians against pathetically vulnerable Israeli civilians and the now predictable military attacks by Israel...
Taking vouchers to school: May not help inner-city education
Imagine a state-run voucher program that allows parents to use their vouchers at any public or private school—a Montessori-style school, say, or a John Dewey–inspired “progressive” school, or an av...
Iraq:Don’t go there: Attack would violate 'just war'
"Wars are not won on the defensive,” asserts Vice President Dick Cheney....
Just war divide: One tradition, two views
Speaking at the U.S. Military Academy in June, President Bush offered an expansive statement articulating a doctrine of preemptive action against rogue states and terrorist groups....
Moderates unite? The future of Southern Baptist dissidents
Should moderate Baptists, now fragmented into various groups, consolidate their forces into a full-fledged national denomination and try to provide a compelling alternative to the conservative Sout...
Take this job: Satisfactions of ministry
"Ministry a satisfying vocation.” Headlines like this one appeared in newspapers, church periodicals and elsewhere this past spring, as Duke’s (Lilly-funded) Pulpit and Pew Project reported the ini...
Bombing a peace plan: Sharon: man of war
Before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict plunges even further into its cycle of violence, we should pause to examine one day in July when peace almost broke out....
Looking smart: Visible wisdom
Fifty-five years ago an eccentric and rather egocentric seminary professor called my roommate into his office and asked him to exchange eyeglasses....
SBC hints of leavingBaptist WorldAlliance: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship seeks BWA membership
An 11-year conflict between the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Southern Baptist Convention reached the international stage in Spain....
Gays and theBible: A response to Walter Wink
The tone of Walter Wink’s review of my book The Bible and Homosexual Practice is a disheartening reminder of how mean-spirited...
A reply by Walter Wink: A conversation on gays and theBible
Robert Gagnon’s treatment of my own work in his book The Bible and Homosexual Practice is anything but irenic....
Unforgiven: Matthew 18:15-20; Romans 13:8-14
Jesus knew forgiveness would always need special emphasis.
A questionable God: Exodus 3:1-15; Matthew 16:21-28; Romans 12:9-21
When a rabbi was asked, “Why is it that you rabbis put much of your teaching in the form of a question?” the rabbi replied, “So what’s wrong with a question?” The rabbi may be on to something....
Suicide bombers: The 'just war' debate, Islamic style
Tucked away in an account of the Jewish resistance to Antiochus Epiphanes is the story of a hero’s sacrifice. The Book of 1 Maccabees describes the prebattle scene....
Ivory Towers on Sand, by Martin Kramer
This bombshell of a book indicts the American academic Middle East studies establishment as guilty of minimizing and ignoring the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and of thereby failing to anticipate...
A priest's tale
The Morebath whose voices are chronicled in Eamon Duffy's narrative is a remote and tiny sheep farming community in England's West Country....