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Marcia Z. Nelson
Marcia Z. Nelson has reviewed books for Publishers Weekly since 2003.
Agrarian agape
Norman Wirzba views theology and ecology through 1 John 4:8, "Whoever does not love does not know God."
Balancing the books: Hard times in religion publishing
Conventional wisdom holds that when times get bad, people turn to religion. But that’s not the case in religion publishing....
The Year of Magical Thinking
In this award-winning memoir, Joan Didion, a premier observer of contemporary life, witnesses death....
Religion sells: The publishing business
By a number of measures, sales of religion books are booming. The Association of American Publishers reports that religious publishing grew by 37 percent in 2003....
The Way Things Are: Conversations with Huston Smith on the Spiritual Life
It’s amazing and comforting to realize that world religions scholar Huston Smith, 84, has been toiling in the fields of the Lord for more than 40 years, teaching more than one generation of student...
Knocking on Heaven's Door: American Religion in the Age of Counterculture
Journalism is said to be the first draft of history....
Shopping Malls and Other Sacred Spaces
The places where Americans spend their time and treasure are where their hearts are, notes Lutheran theologian and re...
Insufficient funds: When hard work doesn't pay
Are the poor blessed or lazy? The prevailing answer in America is lazy. The welfare revolution of the past decade put the poor to work....
Reform, round two: Work harder
Funding for the 1996 law that changed welfare had an expiration date of September 30, 2002. So last year, Congress had an opportunity to renew and revise the system....
Responding to poverty: A faith-based tool
Welfare reform has triggered experimentation by states, which are responsible for its administration, and copious research about what works....
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From theological reflections to breaking religion news to the latest books, the Christian Century's newsletters have you covered.
Oprah on a mission: Dispensing a gospel of health and happiness
The entertainment business is not usually thought of as a missionary enterprise, but talk-show host and media queen Oprah Winfrey is a woman on a mission....

Reading up on Islam
The enormity of the events of September 11 sparked unprecedented demand for books on Islam and the Middle East....
Lives of the Saints, by Richard P. McBrien
There's somebody for everybody--an intention that cuts many ways--in this latest encyclopedic offering from eminent Notre Dame theologian and historian Richard P....
Pilgrim Heart, by Sarah York
I read Sarah York's Pilgrim Heart while I was on vacation two miles above sea level in the Rocky Mountains--a great place to read an elevating book....