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Bridge of despair
In Homer’s Odyssey the Sirens’ song was an enchanting tune, impossible to resist, that lured lonely sailors toward a perilous shoreline, where they would die when their ships crashed against...
Night of angels
The angel said, "Fear not."“Fear not” is one of the standard opening lines that angels use to calm humans when they meet them, but it rarely does any good, and it certainly didn’t do any good on this night. At the first sound coming from the angel’s mouth, all eight shepherds fell flat on their faces. They were shaking and clinging to the earth as if crawling back into the dust from which they came might save them this night.
Paying attention: Time to take action
I was fascinated to learn that New Testament scholar Barbara Rossing was first drawn to studying the book of Revelation because of he...
Century Marks
Gotcha—take one: When member of Congress Lynn Westmoreland (R., Ga.), who cosponsored a bill to display the Ten Commandments in the U.S. Capitol, appeared on The Colbert Report, host Stephen Colbert asked him to name all ten. Caught off guard, Westmoreland had trouble naming three (Chicago Tribune, October 22; interview appears at
Marked man: Defending human rights in Colombia
Mauricio Avilez isn’t sleeping well. He’s jumpy. It’s hard for him to concentrate on his studies. He’s learned surreptitiously that the paramilitary groups in his country, Colombia, want him dead....
Race and romance: A couple navigates differences
Clark and I had been dating for a few weeks when I went to church with him one Sunday. Apparently one of the kids saw us holding hands after the service and was bewildered, because later that evening, during youth group, he pulled the youth director aside and asked him in earnest curiosity, "Is it OK with God that Clark has a black girlfriend?"If you haven't guessed by now, here's the scandal: I am a Christian black woman who happens to be dating a Christian white man.
Textbook case: Bible class in public school
When asked about the Bible course at the local public high school, a West Texas minister told the Abilene Reporter News, “My hope is the end result is they read their Bible and start asking ...
Episcopal membership loss 'precipitous' Homosexuality issues fueling departures: Homosexuality issues fueling departures
After a period of modest declines and gains, the Episcopal Church has suffered a net loss of nearly 115,000 members over the past three years—with homosexuality issues fueling the departures....
Influential dozen seek to help Democrats bridge 'God gap' Reframing America's debate over moral values: Reframing America's debate over moral values
At a meeting of the House Democrats’ Faith Working Group, a perplexed member of Congress turned to his colleagues for pastoral guidance....
Protestant left has 'potential' impact, says scholar: Organizing online a "clever strategy"
The Protestant left “has the potential to become a key constituency of the Democratic Party,” says a political scientist studying the growing number of faith-related progressive groups in the U.S.<...
Court says gay couples have equal rights: Use of term "marriage" not guaranteed
The New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s constitution requires that marriage rights be available to same-sex couples on an equal basis with heterosexuals....
Peace Prize winner among pioneers in microfinance loans: Church-backed groups help poor build future
This year’s selection of the Nobel Peace Prize winner has thrown the spotlight on Christian-supported microfinance and banking institutions that make small loans to help poor people build a future....
New York court says insurance must cover contraception: Catholic organizations express disappointment
Catholic Charities and other religious organizations must provide insurance that pays for prescription contraception, New York’s highest court has ruled....
Moderate will lead Christian Coalition: New focus on social and environmental issues
An organization once synonymous with the religious right has named as its new president a pastor who is becoming known as a critic of conservative Christians wedded to Republican politics....
Priest in Foley scandal removed from ministry: Further charges possible
Anthony Mercieca, the priest at the center of the abuse scandal involving former member of Congress Mark Foley (R., Fla.), has been removed from active ministry by the Archdiocese of Miami....
Government says religious contacts have improved security: Cooperation of Muslim and Arab communities noted
Five years after the September 11 terrorist attacks, officials from the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice say they’re working more with Muslim, Sikh and Arab communities to improve relat...
Briefly noted
Trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary have voted not to hire professors or administrators who promote charismatic Christian practices, such as speaking in tongues....
End game: Living joyfully in an apocalyptic time
In her 2004 book The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation (Westview), Barbara R....
Pentecostal power: Conversions in El Salvador
The tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero is all but hidden in the basement of the national cathedral in San Salvador....