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Debunking some Pentecostal stereotypes: Successful in meeting needs of the poor worldwide
Pentecostalism and related “Spirit-filled movements” are rightly seen as a hard-driving engine fueling the global spread of Christianity, but their adherents are often wrongly seen as apolitical, o...
Edgar to leave NCC post by end of 2007: Gives chance for "seamless transition process"
Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches, will not seek a third four-year term as the top administrator of the ecumenical organization....
Civilian death toll in Iraq estimated at over 600,000: NCC notes Lancet study
A newly estimated civilian death toll of more than 600,000 Iraqis since the U.S.-led invasion confirms the fears of churches that opposed the war in 2003 and dramatically belies Washington’s estima...
Women clergy: Steps forward and back: Polarization of liberal and conservative groups noted
As women in mainline Protestant denominations rejoice over decades of ordination—United Methodists and Presbyterians this year celebrated 50 years of women ministers and Episcopalians the 30th anni...
Adventists require top faculty, trustees to be church members: Some fear harm to academic standing
In a move that internal critics say will hurt academic standing, leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church have voted to require all tenured faculty and board members at its educational instituti...
House-passed bill would discourage church-state suits: Legal fees for successful plaintiffs at issue
A bill passed by the House and a companion bill awaiting action in the Senate would remove money—at least the awarding of attorneys’ fees to successful plaintiffs— from cases related to public disp...
Court declines to hear Muslim course case: Activities in history class deemed educational
The Supreme Court declined on October 2 to hear a case from parents who complained after their children were required to simulate Muslim worship and attire as part of a history class....
Book says Bush aides duped religious allies: Criticizes handling of faith-based initiatives
A book by a former White House official is causing shock waves with its explosive allegations that President Bush’s aides mocked religious conservatives and duped them for political gain in the ear...
Briefly noted
Officials of the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. are considering selling their Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, headquarters building, which currently houses Baptist offices in less than ...
Benedict's blunder: Ground rules for Muslim-Christian conversation
I have been involved for 25 years in fruitful conversation with Muslims, and I have read the Qur’an and a lot of literature about Islam....
Reasoning together: What makes for genuine dialogue?
Now that the dust has settled from l’affaire Regensburg, it’s a good time to think about what makes for genuine interfaith dialogue....
Sisters: Good hearts, good works
Reading the obituaries of Sister Mary Luke Tobin, who recently died at 98, inspired reminiscences of her and other women religious....
Woman bishop ready for top Episcopal post: Reconciliation and youth engagement are key goals
At a ceremony filled with pomp and tradition, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will become the first woman in Anglicanism's nearly 520-year history to lead a national church when she is installed a...
Another commandment: Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34
I read this week’s lectionary passages last summer in the Urubamba Valley in my native Peru, and in my native Spanish: “Pero Cristo ya vino, y ahora el es el Sumo sacerdote . . .” At first I resisted the Hebrews passage, as I prefer Jesus’ concrete teachings to more abstract theological concepts. So, while leading a tour group across the Andes, I turned to Mark: “And man must love God with all his heart and with all his mind and with all his strength; and he must love his neighbor as he loves himself.”
American idol: David Barton's dream of a Christian nation
David Barton, a chief advocate for a Christian America, is a bad historian. When he thunders, "We have lost our understanding of the Founders' intent and teachings. . . . We have been robbed," he is partially right: the founders were at least loosely Christian. But it is historically absurd to dismiss the separation of church and state as a myth.
Small change (Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44)
I remember seeing Helena, a widow, unfolding a $20 bill to put in the offering plate. I knew that her family was selling its possessions to pay the ransom for her only son, imprisoned by guerrillas.
Exposing Zacchaeus
Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminded us that grace is free but not cheap, gratis but not banal, gratuitous but not superfluous....
In creating the character of 18-year-old Ahmad Mulloy, John Updike has imagined what some of us fear most—a homegrown terrorist....