Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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29 results found.
My son the PK said no to baptism
For now, anyway. After our discernment together, I consider this a success.
February 26, Lent 1A (Matthew 4:1-11)
Many professions require testing—including Son of God.
January 22, Epiphany 3A (Psalm 27:1, 4-9;
Matthew 4:12-23)
If God is our salvation and stronghold, why are we just as vulnerable as anyone else?
In lieu of giving up social media, adding a "Finsta" account could be a spiritual practice for Lent.
by Amy Ziettlow
The devil is testing Jesus. Jesus is also testing the devil.
by Amy Ziettlow
Why do we give Matthew 4:23 short shrift?
January 26, Epiphany 3A (Matthew 4:12–23)
Jesus’ call is less about what we leave behind than our eager response to follow him as everyday people.
Having faith in God is better than being certain about God
We don't need arguments from the pulpit. We need living water.
The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew, by Duccio
Art selection by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
Pope Francis says God doesn’t lead us into temptation. What does the Bible say?
Who tests Abraham, or Jacob, or Jesus—and why?
by Greg Carey
There was certainly nothing wrong with doing what I did before.
Art selection and commentary by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
If temptation were all about blatant wrongdoing, it would be far easier to avoid.
by Maggi Dawn
Leadership is big these days. And I've become suspicious of our emphasis on what looks more and more like leadership for leadership's sake.
Epiphany is the season uniquely applicable to us who are Gentiles, the grafted-on branches to the tree of salvation, those who do well to marvel at the magnitude of the grace of God Christ that includes us. This is not common in our religiously pluralist setting, especially in our part of the world where the common assumption is that we're not grafted on at all--we're mainstream.
There are places where Epiphany light shines through people who do the best of things in the worst of times.