Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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37 results found.
When is a pastor obliged to speak about their own theological shifts? Or obliged not to?
by Ron Adams
September 15, Ordinary 24B (James 3:1–12)
As a preacher, I used to worry that people don’t listen to me. Now I worry that they do.
James is looking at the big picture.
God or basketball?
Which one has a greater hold on my heart? Let’s take a look.
The first step of repentance is telling the truth about ourselves.
I regularly pray for things that are unlikely to come about quickly, if at all.
September 5, Ordinary 23B (James 2:1–17)
Proclaiming God’s abundance or dwelling in perceived scarcity?
by David Keck
August 29, Ordinary 22B (James 1:17–27)
Hearing the word and doing it aren’t as far apart as Martin Luther thought.
How I changed my mind about same-sex marriage
It began when I realized the church has always had a process for changing its mind.
Youth ministry isn’t about fun
How one youth leader stopped being a chief counselor of fun and discovered something better.
by Andrew Root
December 15, Advent 3A (Matthew 11:2–11; Psalm 146:5–10; James 5:7–10)
In his response to John, Jesus speaks of hope in the present tense.
And are we practicing it?
Words we can't take back
How do we retool after we speak irreverently or caustically?
James reminds us of the duplicity of language, like a matchstick dropped by singed fingers that leaves behind charred acres. The deception of language is that we believe it is innocent.
My first piano teacher, Mr. Jackson, was the best. I didn't like him.
The other morning during my run I listened to Krista Tippett’s 2010 interview with Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain.
The other morning during my run I listened to Krista Tippett’s 2010 interview with Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain.
Ever since Westerners discovered Asian cultures they have been intrigued by possible relationships between Christianity and Buddhism.