Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
People who are satisfied and content do not seek Jesus—only those who know there is something missing from their lives.
The villagers of Nazareth knew Jesus, and they thought him to be nothing special.
Going into the temple of the Lord would never be taken lightly. Still, Isaiah could not have imagined what was about to happen.
How, in real life, do we love God and neighbor?
Let us imagine that humility was God’s gift to Paul at his conversion.
No political ethic without social location
When early Christians saw the word robe, they thought of one thing only.
We need to repent of offering the world our charitable leftovers and then pouting when the world doesn’t say thank you.
I often feel like a religious leader standing under judgment.
We cannot choose who God will call into Christ’s body in baptism.
Christ as weapon, Paul?
Only Peter stands up to answer Jesus' question.