Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Fear rules the emotions of Joseph’s brothers and strikes the hearts of Jesus’ disciples.
The first covenant holds forever.
One is not born a Christian; one becomes a Christian. This reminds me of my three-year-old friend Grace.
"Have you understood all this?" They said yes. God must still be laughing.
In my youth I thought: God asked what of Abraham? Is this the God who I am supposed to worship?
A mother and child wander in the unknown—that place where fears overtake us.
As Abram's heirs, we must know that our lives are not so much about choosing as they are about being called.
Compared to cosmologists, theologians have the advantage—and disadvantage—of revelation.
In the original Christian Pentecost are seeds of a universalist impulse, a catholic principle.
The unity of Christ's followers is not incidental to our salvation.
Paul refuses to let God become just another novelty.
Faithful suffering has always been part of the calling for God’s people.
Mary can’t experience the resurrected Jesus for the disciples, and the disciples can’t experience Jesus for Thomas.
Maybe the real reason we show betrayers so little compassion is that we’re afraid there is some Judas chromosome within all of us.