Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
A busload of migrants were told something was waiting for them in Chicago
It was our job to be that something.
Knitting with Simone Weil
The philosopher’s call to attention reminds me I’m making a difference.
A liturgy in the borderlands
Alvaro Enciso plants crosses where migrants have died, to keep them from disappearing into oblivion.
Title 42’s disastrous—and illegal—legacy at the southern border
The Biden administration has reversed Trump’s rhetoric around migrants but not all of his policies.
How 20th-century mainline Protestants shaped immigration policy
And how that policy shaped the 21st-century mainline church
Beauty from ugliness on the US-Mexico border
Presbyterian border ministry in Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Sonora
Why are we calling the predictable seasonal shift at our border a surge?
Pretending we don't expect something gets us off the hook for not being prepared.
Immigration law and the politics of disgust
How Pharaoh treated the Hebrews and how the US has treated my people
Why is the Border Patrol undermining humanitarian aid efforts at the southern border?
In July, agents raided a No More Deaths aid station—and 26 bodies were found in the desert.
A congregation that spans the US-Mexico border
For more than a decade, Christians have worshiped together across the border wall.
by Amy Frykholm
Navigating the immigration labyrinth with two pastors facing deportation
We gathered in an ICE parking lot. Not to protest, but to show that we cared.
What an open door to asylum seekers looks like
A Laredo pastor and his family are hard at work helping others, on both sides of the border.
by Amy Frykholm