Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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The theme of James Alison’s video Bible study is the main theme he sees in scripture: that the creation of scapegoats must end.
Explanations of the cross have been subject to major critiques in recent decades. Is it really the case that, given human sin, someone has to pay?
Our fall books issue includes annotated lists of essential titles on Revelation, evangelism and theodicy.
Boy, "In Christ Alone" just will not stay out of the churchy news. A few weeks ago it was standing in for all hymnody ever in the face of the chorus-singing horde; now it's standing in for confessional evangelicals' valiant defense against the liberal horde. Coming soon: "In Christ Alone" as a symbol of resistance to common-cup communion, or missional-everything fervor, or preaching from your iPad.
But about that liberal horde.
Some questions won't go away. The creed says Jesus was crucified "for us," but what do those two little words mean?
Our fall books issue includes annotated lists of top titles on the book of Job, atonement and children's ministry.
Looking back to history to find yet another approach to atonement will not solve the problem, but a reconsideration of the physical or mystical theory of how Christ saves us might contribute to more fruitful and civil conversation.
At one end of Matthew, Jesus goes free. At the other, cruel, ritualized slaughter befalls him.
Imagine someone who, because he is not driven by fear of death, is able to undergo an absolutely typical lynching at human hands and to do so deliberately—showing that death, rather than being definitive and powerful, is no more than a frightening mirage. Christ calls the bluff of the lynching, enabling humans to be less driven by fear and a desire for revenge.