Song: Essays by readers
In response to our request for essays on song, we received many compelling reflections. Here is a selection.
Naming the shadows: My visit to Lbeck
The Totentatz window was created soon after the Shoah but with no reference to the city's murdered Jews. Two of them were my grandparents.
A book I like to teach
We asked college and seminary professors to write about one of their favorites.
Books that transform: Eerdmans editor Jon Pott
"Academics tend to think reaching a broader audience means dumbing things down. It has to do instead with the ability to dramatize."
Campus life support
The college is closing, and I'm the chaplain.
Israel’s dreams and nightmares: Author Yossi Klein Halevi
"In the Middle East peace process, the peace was being negotiated by secular elites who lacked the religious language of so many of their people."
China’s gospel valley: Churches thrive among the Lisu people
The Upper Salween Valley is an inhospitable, sparsely populated place. It may seem like an unlikely place for a Christian community to thrive.
The mosque next door: Getting to know our Muslim neighbors
Muslims have been in our town for a while, but the mosque is new. Last spring our church paid a call on our neighbors there.
United in suffering: Martyrdom as Christian vocation
Are the rest of us so different from our brothers and sisters in Libya or in Charleston? Are they heroes with whom we can never identify?
What Google doesn’t know: Lessons from the Ashley Madison hack
What if someone released all our e-mails and texts? It would make the Ashley Madison hack look quaint in comparison.
Belonging or not: My life as a nonjoiner
When I was baptized at 12, I refused what Baptists call “the right hand of fellowship.” I wanted the water but not the fellowship.
Illness as hermitage: How Parkinsons became my spiritual practice
One day, as I considered my routine of pills and naps and exercises, I saw that it is not unlike praying the hours.
Soil and soul: Our Protestant agrarian past
Christians didn’t baptize Aldo Leopold’s land ethic after the fact. They got there years before his work.
Writing the Christian life: The essence of spiritual memoir
A memoir becomes explicitly Christian when it derives its literary power from the power of the gospel. It doesn't preach, it shows.
Holding each other loosely: After my wifes brain aneurysm
I knew life was a gift to be shared, not a possession to safeguard, even before my wife collapsed on the kitchen floor. But it was abstract knowledge then.
The church assembled: Why I love denominational gatherings
How should we Disciples make GA work going forward? I don't know the answer. I do know that we are obligated to one another only by our relationships.
Building Baltimore: A coalition connects police and community
Every win in our organization's history has come when a diverse group of Baltimoreans got out of their lanes and worked together.
Limits of welcome: The Sunday I told someone to leave
I told her she was upsetting people with her message of accusation and fear. She responded by telling someone nearby that they were going to hell.
Ready for communion: Living in holy space
Sacramentality is the breath of Christian life—life that springs from the sacraments and life that yearns to return to them.
Pulp inequality: How popular culture exhibits the class divide
As the climb of upward mobility has grown steeper, our rags-to-riches entertainments have grown more garish, random, and humiliating.