From the Editors
Of guns and neighbors
In the Bible, social issues are always framed primarily as questions of obligation, not individual rights.
Lone rangers
Humans can't flourish without institutions, flawed as they are. Holding them accountable, and increasing their capacity, enhances human life.
Stopping gun violence
In the wake of the Newtown shooting, political will is growing to do something about guns. People are moved to act—and we must act.
Demographic turmoil
The nation's changing racial and ethnic profile will bring political change. But we can also expect it to elicit fear and resistance.
A reason to bargain
While past attempts at big deals have failed, this time Obama has serious leverage: House Republicans loathe the fiscal cliff's policies.
Short shrift in a long campaign
The presidential campaign has been an exhausting marathon. Yet it's hardly touched on some major issues facing the nation.
Stump sermons
When the church has nothing more to say than what could be said in a political speech, the church has surely lost its voice.
Giving and receiving
The question isn't who gives more and who receives more at a given moment. It's whether the use of tax dollars serves the common good.
Presidential fixation
The primary problem with American political culture is that almost all of our scrutiny goes to the human beings running for president.
Racial politics
Race lies behind the widespread belief that Obama is a Muslim, was born outside the U.S. and is something other than a genuine American.
Farm bill blues
U.S. farm policy badly needs an overhaul. But first, amid the worst drought in decades, Congress needs to pass an uninspiring farm bill.
Our Mormon neighbors
Romney's faith, like Obama's, is distinctly American yet often misunderstood. And campaigns are rarely an occasion to increase understanding.
Stopping child abuse
A Penn State VP felt pressured to leave because she didn't understand the "Penn State way." It's a way that's not limited to Penn State.
Green light for health care
With the Affordable Care Act upheld by the Supreme Court, Americans have yet another chance to learn about what the law actually contains.
Women at risk
The question isn't whether the new provisions in the Senate VAWA bill are politically motivated. It's whether the provisions are good ones.
Liberty imperiled? The Catholic bishops' argument is weak
First the bishops sought an expanded exemption. Now they claim the contraception mandate itself violates religious liberty. It doesn't.
A new playing field
Title IX revolutionized sports at the scholastic and collegiate levels. The results show up elsewhere as well.
Junk food epidemic
Eliminating food deserts isn’t enough. The nation’s diet problem calls for sustained community attention--and better federal policy.
The price of prisons
Americans seem to relish putting their fellow citizens behind bars. Lately, some conservatives have begun to see this as a problem.