March 22, Lent 4A (John 9:1–41)
March 15, Lent 3A (John 4:5–42)
March 8, Lent 2A (John 3:1–17)
February 23, Transfiguration A (Matthew 17:1–9)
February 16, Epiphany 6A (Matthew 5:21–37, Deuteronomy 30:15–20)
February 2, Epiphany 4A (Matthew 5:1–12; Micah 6:1–8; 1 Corinthians 1:18–31)
January 26, Epiphany 3A (Matthew 4:12–23)
January 19, Epiphany 2A (John 1:29–42)
January 12, Baptism of the Lord (Matthew 3:13–17)
January 6, Epiphany of the Lord (Matthew 2:1–12)
December 29, Christmas 1A (Matthew 2:13–23)
December 24 and 25, Nativity (Isaiah 9:2–7; Luke 2:1–20)
December 22, Advent 4A (Matthew 1:18–25; Isaiah 7:10–16; Romans 1:1–7)
December 15, Advent 3A (Matthew 11:2–11; Psalm 146:5–10; James 5:7–10)
December 8, Advent 2A (Matthew 3:1–12)
December 1, Advent 1A (Matthew 24:36–44; Romans 13:11–14)
November 24, Reign of Christ C (Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 23:33-43)