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Diane Roth
Diane Roth is a Lutheran pastor in Texas. She blogs at Faith in Community, part of the CCblogs network.
February 2, Epiphany 4C (Luke 4:21–30)
Jesus didn’t come to make us feel good.
More than useful (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Why read the Bible?
October 16, Ordinary 29C (Luke 18:1–8)
Luke says this story is about prayer. But the widow keeps asking for justice.
Ordinary people (Luke 17:11-19)
There is nothing wrong with the nine. There is something extraordinary about the one.
October 9, Ordinary 28C (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7)
It’s not that Babylon was backward. But it wasn’t home.
October 2, Ordinary 27C (Lamentations 1:1–6)
These days it seems there are more and more opportunities for collective lament.
What are we weary of? (14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30)
Perhaps this verse has been lifted out of its context by design.
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July 5, Ordinary Time 14A (Genesis 24:34–38, 42–49, 58–67)
Doesn’t God have better things to do than arrange marriages?
June 28, Ordinary Time 13A (Matthew 10:40–42)
What happens when we are the refugees, the strangers, and the dying?
June 21, Ordinary 12A (Matthew 10:24–39)
Jesus keeps saying, “Do not be afraid.” But there’s so much to be afraid of.
Stranger in a strange land
The word missionary makes me cringe a little. But I was one, and it taught me a lot.
Children are the church
We miss a lot when we don't invite children's presence and participation in worship.