Wednesday digest
New today from the Century:
- John Buchanan on a tough topic: "It is difficult for Jews to talk about the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. It's also difficult for Christians to talk about it with Jews." (subscription
required) - John Dart on the problem with the Captain America vs. Bible survey results: "Surveys sometimes load the dice against scripture when illustrating
the public's unfamiliarity with the Bible." - A poem by Mary Brown: "As you are able/ would you please rise for the reading/ of the Gospel?"
- Steve Vineberg's brief review of the Captain America movie: "The latest of the Marvel comic book movies is smooth sailing from start to finish."
In the news:
- Bloomberg, faith groups face off over 9/11 prayers
- Poll: Americans are tolerant of other faiths -- except Islam
Links from elsewhere:
- A crane collapsed today at the National Cathedral. No serious injuries, but more damage.
- On the tweets of Fake Sharon Watkins
- Typing in tongues