Lectionary /
Trinity Sunday (Year B, RCL)
64 results found.
Windblown: John 3:1-17; Romans 8:12-17
After an attempted coup in Indonesia in 1965, headlines reported that 500,000 people were killed. What did not make the headlines was the quiet revolution that began as the wind of the Spirit began to move into a collapsed intellectual and moral vacuum. There was no ballyhoo or promotion, but simply the response of untold numbers who found in the churches a haven.
Up for adoption: Romans 8:12-25
One is not born a Christian; one becomes a Christian. This reminds me of my three-year-old friend Grace.
Late-night seminar: John 3:1-17
Portrayed as a cowardly dolt, Nicodemus is usually spotted skulking about under cover of darkness.
Pick it up, read it: John 3:1-17
Embracing Jesus as the Christ means becoming a new person, not a better one.