29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A, RCL)
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Our relationship with Caesar
In my state of South Carolina, we have a long history of not wanting anybody to tell us what to do with our land, our possessions, or our money. This has created a sense of fierce independence, as history bears out.
Sunday, October 16: Matthew 22:15-22
According to Isaiah, God has a tattoo!
Five different lenses for reading "render unto Caesar"
No political ethic without social location
Balance sheet: Matthew 22:15-22
I was emphasizing to parents of confirmands that the young people should be with their families in worship as part of their preparation for membership. “I’m afraid we don’t have time for worship,” one mother told me after the meeting. Her words were soothing and gentle, yet they sounded condescending, as if she were explaining something to a not-very-bright child. “We’ve committed to soccer and cheerleading for my youngest on Sunday mornings. We have a full plate."
Speak up, God: Exodus 33:12-23
We cannot return to a pre-calf existence when the fullness of God could be seen more clearly.
Pledging allegiance: Matthew 22:15-22
Are service to God and to Caesar compatible?
The things that are God’s
The coin bears Caesar's likeness and inscription. What bears God's?