Second Sunday in Lent (Year A, RCL)
87 results found.
March 8, Lent 2A (John 3:1–17)
Like Nicodemus, Kanye shows that the Spirit blows where it chooses.
by Amy Ziettlow
February 23, Transfiguration A (Matthew 17:1–9)
God’s presence transfigures here, now, in the familiar.
Abraham broke the law, crossing borders and trafficking his wife
Why do we forgive him so much more easily than migrants today?
Two new (very different) Old Testament translations
Is it man or humanity? Ark or chest?
4 Bible storybooks that leave space for children’s imagination
In God's kingdom, sometimes less is more.
No one is in charge of their own birth (John 3:1-17)
Nicodemus’s problem is the power of evil, and he can’t find his own way out of it.
Seeing the image of God in our selfies
Craig Detweiler draws on art history, psychology, and religion to argue that staring at ourselves can be an act of faith.
May 27, Trinity Sunday (John 3:1-17)
John 3:16 is about crisis, but not the crisis of God brooding in heaven waiting on us to make a choice.
The nature of eternal life (John 3:14-21)
I memorized John 3:16 as a child—along with a specific interpretation of it.
March 11, Lent 4B (Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-21)
Don't forget to read John 3:17.
What ascetics have taught me about divine light
In the eastern tradition, theosis—union with God—is the goal of the Christian life.
Ecclesiastes for the ecclesia
A wisdom ecclesiology embraces the church’s earthly context—but without romanticizing it.
Water and Spirit are life (John 3:1-17)
Why does Jesus tie these two things together?
The Transfiguration sermon I need (Matthew 17:1-9)
There is no "on the mountain" and "off the mountain."
Transfiguration, by Fra Angelico
Art selection and commentary by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons