Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany (Year C, RCL)
39 results found.
November 6, All Saints: Luke 6:20-31
A retired colonel taught me about the courage it takes to love our enemies.
Saving the Original Sinner, by Karl W. Giberson
Karl Giberson offers a cultural history of the Bible's first human. It's an intriguing and unsettling story.
reviewed by Amy Frykholm
Sacred inwardness: Why secularism has no meaning
Perhaps the real lack of faith in modern society comes down to a lack of reverence for the people around us.
Discerning desire
I was 29, agonizing over a decision, when I came upon a little book by Robert Ochs.
What's a pastor for?
By far the most uncomfortable pastoral work I do is with people who want help for relatives in churches that are far away. I once got a call from one such relative who had been elected secretary of a church committee and wondered how she should minute the meeting. Worse are the complaints about pastors who do things I have done. (“My brother says they don’t sing hymns everyone knows. What can we do?”)
By Rufus Burton
RCL preachers: This is the one shot "love your enemies" has in five years.
I don't usually write about preaching or about specific Revised Common Lectionary texts, since that's well covered elsewhere on the site by people more qualified than I. This is just a quick note motivated by the fact that this Sunday's Gospel reading is the subject of one of the more startling RCL factoids that came up when I was reporting my fall article on alternate lectionaries.
Life after life after death
While Christian scholars have long questioned body-soul dualism, it remains common in church circles. This may finally be changing.
by Rodney Clapp
Prayer concern: Remembering all the victims of war
Each week my church includes a prayer for the families of American soldiers who have died. As the names are read, I try to hold them in prayer. But I have wrestled with these prayers.
Sunday, February 20, 2011: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5:38-48
Here are texts that say to the church: "You are holy."
by Edwin Searcy
Sunday, February 18 (Genesis 45:3-11,15; Luke 6:27-38)
Keeping score and getting even—that’s what enemies do.