Baptism of the Lord (Year B, RCL)
46 results found.
Harvey Cox wants to save the market’s soul
If corporations are people, can they be redeemed?
When the financial market is god, who pays?
Most religions acknowledge the contingencies and paradoxes of human life. Not this one.
Speech bearers: The divine in the human
In John's prologue, the incarnate Word is the God of creative address.
Belonging or not: My life as a nonjoiner
When I was baptized at 12, I refused what Baptists call “the right hand of fellowship.” I wanted the water but not the fellowship.
by Amy Frykholm
Cosmos from nothing? Questions at the edge of science
Modern cosmology indicates that the universe cannot have been created without any constraints. So where do we find the elusive nihilo?
The gift we don't understand
It was my first winter in rural South Dakota, and despite the worrisome weather, I was planning a road trip. On Sunday morning, one of my parish members came up to me and solemnly handed me a coffee can. It contained a roll of toilet paper, a candle, some matches, and a candy bar. “Put this in your trunk,” she said. I had no idea what this was. “Thank you,” I said.
By Diane Roth
Sunday, January 11, 2015: Mark 1:4-11
I eschew the danger of the river, but I know that it is where God leads me.
by Diane Roth
The simplest answer
As we know, “let there be light” were the first words out of the Lord’s mouth in the beginning. However, few people have taken this literally since, like the Lord, the universe is thought to be infinite with no definite beginning.
But then along came Albert Einstein and Edwin Hubble, who theorized and confirmed how galaxies were receding away from each other over time.
Wisdom and light
Is John 1 a midrash on the creation story and the song of creative Wisdom? If so, its writer has infused it with profoundest joy.
God in spirit
In my church we've been exploring the idea that God is fully present in each person of the Trinity. Recently our focus has been on the Holy Spirit. On Trinity Sunday, a week after Pentecost, it might be fruitful to consider the implications of this full presence of God in the Spirit.
Water in worship: The ecology of baptism
The Christian heritage of praying next to water is older than Christianity itself, being deeply influenced by our Jewish heritage. One of our stunning water-prayer treasures is Psalm 104.
God the troublemaker: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29
Going into the temple of the Lord would never be taken lightly. Still, Isaiah could not have imagined what was about to happen.
In the waters: Genesis 1:1-5, Mark 1:4-11
Will the water bring death or life?
Signs and sounds: Psalm 29; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Have you not known? Have you not heard? asks Isaiah. Those with ears to hear, let them hear, says Jesus. Day to day pours forth speech, says the psalmist, but God’s speech is pitched in such a register that many cannot distinguish it from silence.
Power and delight: Psalm 29; Mark 1:4-11
As Mark begins, it might seem a little early for Jesus to be commended as one with whom God is well pleased.