Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year 1, NL)
30 results found.
Brush with evil: The work of a public defender
"How can you defend those people?" That's a question we public defenders hear a lot.
Muckraking pilgrim
Michael Moore's work is that of a repentant sinner called to bring the news—not all of it good—to folks who would rather do without it.
by Thomas Lynch
Our life together: Four practices of healthy congregations
To build stronger communities, we need to get in the habit of recognizing what undergirds our relationships. We can't afford to take it for granted.
Sunday, November 20, 2011: Matthew 25:31-46
I'm not a big fan of reality TV, yet I'm drawn to one reality show: Undercover Boss.
Throwing open the doors
Benedictine monks are famous for taking Matthew 25:36 to heart.
Wildfire: Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17
We need to be reminded, as we celebrate Pentecost, that the Spirit is always much bigger and more "other" than we normally think.
Reign of Christ Sunday (Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7a; Matthew 25:31-46)
Does our discomfort over God’s judgment come from the fear of taking sides? Or the fear of being found on the wrong one?