ordinary time
Remedial instruction: Amos 8:1-12
When a child is ignoring basic responsibilities, parents rely on a well-known parenting technique to make a point. Mom looks her ten-year-old in the eye while holding a toothpaste tube in one hand and the cap in the other. “This is called toothpaste,” she says, “and this is called a cap. They go together.” The Lord God is not beyond impatience and remedial instruction when people need a reminder about neglected responsibilities. God held a basket of ripened summer fruit beneath Amos’s nose and said, “Amos, what do you see here?” The prophet, sensing that God was serious, didn’t bother joking. “A basket of summer fruit,” he replied. With that brief exchange, strangely similar to a parent remedially instructing a child, the doors opened to a flood of divine wrath.
Good religion: Mark 12:38-40
“Are you scribes gone awry?” Jesus asks us. “Have you got good religion?”
Worship with abandon (Hebrews 10:19-25)
This Hebrews text is a word crafted for a specific people by a caring preacher.
What Bartimaeus wanted (Mark 10:46-52)
We see in Bartimaeus's story the same basic elements that are present in the calling of Jesus’ first disciples.