Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
A refugee’s lonely heart
Beth Nguyen’s second memoir is a deep dive into the void of a mother’s absence and the silence surrounding it.
Christian life in The School of Athens
My upbringing made me a Platonist. Motherhood made me an Aristotelian. I never left either behind.
What does it mean to be a woman who doesn’t want children?
Erin Lane challenges maternal exceptionalism and its myths.
Encountering Alice Neel’s paintings of mothers while pregnant
Her complex portraits reveal an alchemy of desire, pain, power, and weakness.
The Kindest Lie is a story about race and much more
In Nancy Johnson’s debut novel, a family secret draws a successful Black woman home to small-town Indiana.
Lyz Lenz’s midrash on pregnancy and motherhood
Lenz blends storytelling and critique to explore the role of myths in defining women’s bodies.
Pregnancy is undeniably beautiful and bizarre
Both Agnes Howard and Brittany Bergman encourage reflection on a transformational experience.
A novel shot through with transcendence
Chelsea Bieker's Godshot drips with truth about motherhood, faith, and power.
A confession to you, my nursing daughter
What am I to make of your singular desire for milk?
Take & read: New books in New Testament
Can we read scripture critically and theologically at the same time?
selected by Joshua Jipp
Two ways of being Christian and pro-choice
Is abortion only the lesser of evils, or can it be a moral good?
by Amy Frykholm
The day I revealed to the other moms that I'm a bad Christian
Of all the things I could have gone donkey nuts over, it was "quiet time" that pushed me over the edge.
by Jamie Wright
The vocation of being a stranger
As a mother and a woman of color, I read Camille Dungy's book as a personal roadmap.
by Josina Guess
Mother's Day picks
Looking for a gift for a mother in your life? Here are some possibilities.
It’s too bad that Bad Moms sets up its conflict as one between women.
The physical reality of her son, the very tangible way that he is a part of her, will not go away. He is with her everywhere she goes.
by Amy Frykholm
Elizabeth Gandolfo's first book is not just an anthropology. Its more daring and abidingly important gift is a statement about God.