Living and active: Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32
I often feel like a religious leader standing under judgment.
Free to serve: Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew 21:33-46
We need to repent of offering the world our charitable leftovers and then pouting when the world doesn’t say thank you.
Known by our love: Romans 14:1-12
We cannot choose who God will call into Christ’s body in baptism.
The Messiah's mission: Romans 13:8-14
Christ as weapon, Paul?
Gradual confession: Matthew 16:13-20
Only Peter stands up to answer Jesus' question.
Boundless discipleship: Matthew 15:(10-20), 21-28
How do we determine and define what is pure and wholesome?
Feed them: Matthew 14:13-21
How do you summon compassion when you’re depleted?
The mysterious power of leaven: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-49a
What are we asking for when we pray for the kingdom of heaven to come?
The seed, the sower and the Source: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
When a seed is snapped up by a bird of the air, the seed’s journey isn’t necessarily over.
Unmerited favor: Matthew 10:40-42
The only rewards that matter can’t be earned.
Baptismal reaffirmations: Romans 6:1b-11
Remembering our baptism enables us to step out of our old life, at least for a moment.
The apostles' new identity: Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 9:35–10:8 (9-23)
I wonder if Paul has Euripides in mind.