A different way to pray
Maybe this is your real prayer for others and for yourself. “Make this trial and tragedy a glimpse of your glory, a window into your world.”
by Samuel Wells
All nature sings
God loves the creation. In response the creation sings praise and adoration to God.
The ministry of the risen Lord
The one who puts all things under his feet is doing something in the world.
Gathering Those Driven Away, by Wendy Farley
Wendy Farley formulates a theology of Wisdom incarnate--unleashed by divine desire, found in ordinary life and born in a manger.
reviewed by Kristine A. Culp
Wisdom and light
Is John 1 a midrash on the creation story and the song of creative Wisdom? If so, its writer has infused it with profoundest joy.
The reason for the season?
Several years ago I received from a parishioner a "Jesus Is the Reason for the Season" cookie tin. Every time I reached for a piece of Doris's divinity, I had to read that cheery-angry motto of Christian moralism.
A this-worldly story
The colonial Puritans did a lot of good things, but banning Christmas was not one of their better ideas.
Entwined with us
The birth of Jesus contradicts the idea of a God who "lay above the earth like a layer of icy cirrus." The birth means that we encounter God, not only in elegant theology but in work and in our enjoyment of beauty, friendship and love—in love particularly.
Living in a material world
God doesn’t hate stuff. God invents stuff.
Our bodies, our faith: Practicing incarnation
Deep suffering makes theologians of us all. The questions people ask about God in Sunday school rarely compare with the questions we ask while we are in the hospital. This goes for those stuck in the waiting room as well as those in the hospital beds. To love someone who is suffering is to learn the visceral definition of pathetic: affecting or exciting emotion, especially the tender emotions, as pity or sorrow; so inadequate as to be laughable or contemptible. To spend one night in real pain is to discover depths of reality that are roped off while everything is going fine.
Practicing incarnation
While Christians confess the resurrection of the body, most have a spiritual body in mind.