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New today from the Century:

  • Still dying badly: A Christian critique by Allen Verhey: "The emphasis on patients' rights and autonomy has been a weak remedy for medicalized death." (subscription required)
  • I'm weary of David Brooks: Last week's The Conversation has some good material about
    policy compromises Brooks and Gail Collins would be willing to make with each other if they
    comprised Congress. But first you have to get through Brooks's jokes about
    Occupy Wall Street."
  • Ryan Dueck doesn't like hospitals: "How do we live and move inside these
    places? How do we pretend to have normal conversations about weather and
    sports and church and children’s activities alongside a wild-eyed woman
    stumbling around with her dressing gown wide open, or a sad-faced old
    man who keeps wandering around blankly, pushing his walker into chairs?"
  • "Lexical reverie," a poem by Brett Foster


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Steve Thorngate

The Century managing editor is also a church musician and songwriter.

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